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From translatewiki.net
This page is a translated version of the page Translating:Intro and the translation is 67% complete.
Getting started
Translation tutorial
How to start
See also
Localisation guidelines
Translating offline


Týðing og staðseting er sum heild týdningarmikil, tí at tað loyvir fólki, ið ikki duga enskt at nýta teldubúnað (software). MediaWiki verður t.d. nýtt, fyri at koyra Wikipedia á nógvum málum, og tí er tað at umseta MediaWiki ein beinleiðis hjálp til fólk at fáa atgongd til ókeypis vitan á teirra egna máli. (Meira um treytirnar á Gettext dokumentatión og Wikipedia.)

Here at translatewiki.net we build and continuously improve infrastructure for easy localization of open source projects and free written documents. We strive to achieve our two aims.

Our first aim is efficiency. To increase efficiency of the process, we integrate tightly into the development process of the software to have small turn-around times. In addition, we develop tools to automate integration of translations. This relieves the individual translators to only concentrate in producing the best translations possible.

Our second aim is collaboration. The whole system is built on a wiki. MediaWiki is a popular wiki engine that provides the framework for building collaborative communities. We encourage translators to help each other across project and language boundaries in multiple ways, and act as a glue between developers and translators.

Tær nýtist ikki at duga at programmera. Um tú kennir til wiki búnaðin (software), so lærir tú skjótt at brúka translatewiki.net. Tey einastu krøvini eru góður kunnleiki til mál, ein internetkagi og eitt opið sinn.

Høvuðs verkætlanin á translatewiki.net – MediaWiki – verður í løtuni brúkt á meira enn 300 málum. Translatewiki.net móttekur dagføringar á meira enn 100 málum hvønn mánað.