Project:O strani je prevajalska skupnost in lokalizcijsko okolje za proste in odprtokodne projekte. Začelo se je z lokalizacijo programja MediaWiki. Pozneje je bila dodana podpora za razširitve programja MediaWiki, FreeCol ter ostale proste in odprtokodne projekte. Oglejte si seznam vseh podprtih projektov. je neodvisen odprtokodni projekt. Funkcionalnost prevajanja omogoča razširitev Translate programja MediaWiki. Ta viki vedno vsebuje preizkusno kodo in občasno morda ne deluje. Prosimo, bodite potrpežljivi, težave so ponavadi hitro odpravljene. Vprašanja lahko postavite na strani za podporo.
Why use
- The best translation tool available on the web. All localisation updates happen on an easy interface, and there are people around who can help translators. When making a translation, hints to understand its correct meaning and use are provided, as well as suggestions from translation memory and machine translation services.
- No particular privileges required, everyone can contribute. Everyone who can contribute in a language (see below) is allowed to help with the localisation of that language.
- Keeping track of changes is easy. Untranslated messages are not the only easily found: whenever the source text changes, the affected translations are tagged for easy identification. Translators do not have to spend time digging what needs doing.
Add your software project on if it's not yet.
Pregled načina delovanja
- V spletnem mestu prevajalci prevajajo uporabniški vmesnik programja za izdelke, pri katerih so bili angleški besedilni nizi izolirani iz kode in urejeni v posamezna »sporočila«.
- When a new project joins, the English source messages are imported, as well as any existing translations. New and changed English messages are imported multiple times a day.
- Message documentation is written manually and is usually of better quality where good communication exists with the original software developer team. If source code comments are part of a software project, these are also displayed in the translation interface.
- Translators make suggestions to improve or correct an original English message, or adapt it to support localisation. If agreed, these are either implemented by members who are also developers on the relevant project, or reported to the project developers.
- Completed translations for each language are "committed" to the projects by staff, as soon as the total number of translations for a project in that language has passed the threshold agreed for that project. For frequency of committing and thresholds see the project page of the project in question.
- The software release of translations which have been committed to a project is controlled and executed by the project administrators and is out of the hands of
Avtorske pravice in zavrnitve odgovornosti

Uporabljajte prevode na na lastno odgovornost. Namenjeni so za korist, vendar ne more jamčiti veljavnosti tukajšnje vsebine. and its editors do not provide any warranty on the contents whatsoever, whether expressed, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty that the contents will be error-free.
Prevodi prevajalcev so objavljeni pod licenco CC BY 3.0, izpeljana dela pa so lahko objavljena tudi pod licencami ustreznih prostih in odprtokodnih projektov, ki so jim bili ali jim bodo dodani prevodi. Za vsebino uporabniških strani se šteje, da so »vse pravice pridržane« avtorju. Vsa druga vsebina je objavljena pod licenco CC BY 3.0, razen če je izrecno navedena drugačna licenca ali avtorskopravno stanje.
Zgodovina started in 2006 as a test wiki, developed by Niklas Laxström, in collaboration with Gangleri, as an internationalisation and localisation tool for the MediaWiki software. It started under the name Betawiki, which became at the beginning of 2009, following the site's move to virtual server hosting under its own domain name on November 9, 2007. By October 2007, was contributing to localisation in around 70 languages, which by June 2010 had grown to 329 languages. How the number of languages has grown is visible in the table of translation milestones passed for MediaWiki. By January 2010, an upgrade was needed to the server capacity to cope with the increase in activity. Netcup has generously hosted since November 2007.
Other free and open source projects have gradually been added to, starting with FreeCol in August 2007. By June 2010, the number of projects supported had grown to 16, and by December 2019, this number had grown to 46.
Most contributors to are volunteers. Developers, administrators, and translators were initially recruited from MediaWiki projects, especially Wikimedia. Most of our contributors still arrive here via MediaWiki, but with more projects arriving all the time, MediaWiki is no longer the only source of contributors. By June 2010, the number of registered translators was 1,860. In June 2018, the number of registered translators is 19,000.
In collaboration with Stichting Open Progress and FUDforum, has arranged several translation rallies with bounties for translators available to improve the localisation of MediaWiki and FUDforum.
- In 2008 the Dutch NGO Hivos provided funding via Stichting Open Progress. The grant was to be used to provide bounties for translations in a list of 70 to 80 languages spoken in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that had a sizable number of speakers, but insufficient support in MediaWiki.
- At the end of 2008, an end-of-year translation rally open to all translators was held.
- During August 2009, another translation rally was organized, funded by Wikimedia Nederland, the Dutch Wikimedia chapter.
- Wikimedia Nederland also funded the 2009 end-of-year rally.
The aims of are described on the Introduction page. Technological aids to translators are described on the Technology page. These aids are continually being expanded and improved in order to make the translation work as efficient as possible. Current site needs and development are described on Phabricator.

- is kindly hosted by Netcup – webspace and vServer, at their expense since November 2007, with upgrades in February 2008, January 2010, October 2013, July 2015 and December 2019.
- Stichting Open Progress and others have from time to time organized funding for translation rallies to improve the localisation of MediaWiki and others, as explained above.
- In 2012 the Wikimedia Foundation Language team worked on a project called Translation UX in which the main page and our translation interface were replaced by modern, professionally designed and user tested versions.
- Niklas Laxström and Siebrand Mazeland are or have been working for the Wikimedia Foundation and have contributed to during their work time.
Ljudje v ozadju
Core team
Core team members are involved almost daily running They are responsible for making things run with as few problems as possible. For more information please see the succession plan.
We thank the following individuals for their significant contributions:
- Niklas Laxström
- Founder, all kinds of work
- Siebrand Mazeland
- Upravnik skupnosti, projektni koordinator, razvijalec
- Raimond Spekking
- Translation committer for MediaWiki, developer

Odvisni smo tudi od dela drugih članov naše skupnosti:
- Gangleri – Early visionary. No longer active.
- GerardM – Ambasador, obveščanje z uporabo neposrednega stika, blogi, StatusNet, Twitter. Ni več aktivno.
- All contacts in individual projects
- All translators and other members of this project
Stopite v stik z nami

Sporočilo lahko pustite na naši glavni strani za razprave na naslovu Podpora. Če imate raje razpravo v živo, se lahko pridružite našemu klepetalnemu kanalu bodisi prek Telegrama ali IRC-kanala #translatewiki na Libera.Chat. Ni zaželeno, toda če je to potrebno zaradi varnosti ali zasebnosti, lahko uporabite e-poštni naslov
- You can discuss issues concerning a particular language with its translators on the talk page of the language portal.
- You can discuss issues concerning a particular project with its supporters and the developer liaison on the talk page of the project page.
- S posameznimi uporabniki lahko razpravljate o težavah na njihovi uporabniški pogovorni strani ali po e-pošti (kliknite povezavo za e-pošto v stranski letvici na uporabniški strani), če so se odločili, da omogočijo e-pošto.