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Project:Tocante a

From translatewiki.net
This page is a translated version of the page Project:About and the translation is 44% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Translatewiki.net ye una comunidá de traducción y plataforma de llocalización pa proyeutos de códigu abiertu y llibre. Principió cola llocalización de MediaWiki. Más sero s'amestó sofitu pa les estensiones de MediaWiki, FreeCol y otros proyeutos de códigu abiertu y llibre. Mira la llista completa de proyeutos sofitaos.

translatewiki.net ye un proyeutu de códigu abiertu. La carauterística de traducción proporciónala la estensión Translate de MediaWiki. Esta wiki siempre contién códigu esperimental y dacuando puede dexar de funcionar. Ten paciencia, de vezu los problemes s'igüen ceo. Puedes informar de los problemes na páxina d'encontu.

Por qué usar translatewiki.net

  • La meyor ferramienta de traducción disponible na web. Tolos anovamientos na llocalización asoceden nuna interfaz fácil, y hai xente que puede ayudar a los traductores. Al faer una traducción, úfrense suxerencies pa entender el so significáu y usu correutos, y tamién suxerencies de memoria de traducciones y traducciones automátiques.
  • Nun se riquen privilexos especiales, toos pueden contribuir. Tolos que puedan contribuir nun idioma (ver más abaxo) pueden ayudar cola llocalización d'esi idioma.
  • Siguir los cambeos ye fácil. Los mensaxes ensin traducir nun son lo único bono d'atopar: siempres que camude'l testu orixinal, les traducciones afeutaes s'etiqueten pa una fácil identificación. Los traductores nun tienen que gastar tiempu buscando lo que se precisa faer.

Vista xeneral del métodu de translatewiki.net

  • En translatewiki.net los traductores de traducen la interfaz del software de productos onde les cadenes de testu n'inglés tán aisllaes del códigu y organizaes en «mensaxes» individuales.
  • Cuando se xune un nuevu proyectu, impórtense los mensaxes fonte n'inglés, lo mesmo que les traducciones qu'esistan. Los mensaxes nuevos, y los cambios n'inglés nos mesmos, impórtense delles vegaes al día.
  • Message documentation is written manually and is usually of better quality where good communication exists with the original software developer team. If source code comments are part of a software project, these are also displayed in the translation interface.
  • Translators make suggestions to improve or correct an original English message, or adapt it to support localisation. If agreed, these are either implemented by translatewiki.net members who are also developers on the relevant project, or reported to the project developers.
  • Completed translations for each language are "committed" to the projects by translatewiki.net staff, as soon as the total number of translations for a project in that language has passed the threshold agreed for that project. For frequency of committing and thresholds see the project page of the project in question.
  • The software release of translations which have been committed to a project is controlled and executed by the project administrators and is out of the hands of translatewiki.net.

Drechos d'autor y avisu llegal


Usa les traducciones de translatewiki.net baxo'l to propiu riesgu. Pretenden ser útiles, pero translatewiki.net nun pue garantizar la validez del conteníu que s'alcuentra equí.

Translatewiki.net y los sos editores nun dan garantía dala sobro'l conteníu de manera denguna, yá seya espresa, implícita nin llegal; incluyendo, pero non solo, cualesquier garantía de comercialidá o adautación pa un fin específicu, o cualesquier garantía de que'l conteníu ta llibre de fallos.

Les traducciones de los traductores tienen llicencia CC-BY 3.0, y los trabayos derivaos puen tamién tar baxo les llicencies de los respeutivos proyeutos de códigu abiertu y llibre a los que s'amestaron o s'amestarán les traducciones. El conteníu de les páxines d'usuariu considerase con «Tolos drechos acutaos» del autor. Cualquier otru conteníu ta baxo la llicencia CC-BY 3.0 menos si se conseña de mou esplícitu otra llicencia o otros drechos d'autor.


translatewiki.net started in 2006 as a test wiki, developed by Niklas Laxström, in collaboration with Gangleri, as an internationalisation and localisation tool for the MediaWiki software. It started under the name Betawiki, which became translatewiki.net at the beginning of 2009, following the site's move to virtual server hosting under its own domain name on November 9, 2007. By October 2007, translatewiki.net was contributing to localisation in around 70 languages, which by June 2010 had grown to 329 languages. How the number of languages has grown is visible in the table of translation milestones passed for MediaWiki. By January 2010, an upgrade was needed to the server capacity to cope with the increase in activity. Netcup has generously hosted translatewiki.net since November 2007.

Other free and open source projects have gradually been added to translatewiki.net, starting with FreeCol in August 2007. By June 2010, the number of projects supported had grown to 16, and by December 2019, this number had grown to 46.

Most contributors to translatewiki.net are volunteers. Developers, administrators, and translators were initially recruited from MediaWiki projects, especially Wikimedia. Most of our contributors still arrive here via MediaWiki, but with more projects arriving all the time, MediaWiki is no longer the only source of contributors. By June 2010, the number of registered translators was 1,860. In June 2018, the number of registered translators is 19,000.

In collaboration with Stichting Open Progress and FUDforum, translatewiki.net has arranged several translation rallies with bounties for translators available to improve the localisation of MediaWiki and FUDforum.

The aims of translatewiki.net are described on the Introduction page. Technological aids to translators are described on the Technology page. These aids are continually being expanded and improved in order to make the translation work as efficient as possible. Current site needs and development are described on Phabricator.


  • translatewiki.net is kindly hosted by Netcup – webspace and vServer, at their expense since November 2007, with upgrades in February 2008, January 2010, October 2013, July 2015 and December 2019.
  • Stichting Open Progress and others have from time to time organized funding for translation rallies to improve the localisation of MediaWiki and others, as explained above.
  • In 2012 the Wikimedia Foundation Language team worked on a project called Translation UX in which the translatewiki.net main page and our translation interface were replaced by modern, professionally designed and user tested versions.
  • Niklas Laxström and Siebrand Mazeland are or have been working for the Wikimedia Foundation and have contributed to translatewiki.net during their work time.

Les persones detrás de translatewiki.net

Equipu principal

Core team members are involved almost daily running translatewiki.net. They are responsible for making things run with as few problems as possible. For more information please see the succession plan.

We thank the following individuals for their significant contributions:

Niklas Laxström
Fundador, toles clases de trabayos
Siebrand Mazeland
Xestor de la comunidá, coordinador del proyectu, desendolcador
Raimond Spekking
Apurridor de traducciones a MediaWiki, desendolcador

Tamién dependemos del trabayu fechu por otros miembros de la comunidá:

  • Gangleri – Precursor. Yá nun ta activu.
  • GerardM – Embaxador, publicidá usando'l contautu direutu, blogues, StatusNet, Twitter. Yá nun ta activu.
  • Tolos contautos en proyeutos individuales
  • Tolos traductores y otros miembros d'esti proyectu

Comunica con nós

You can leave a message on our main discussion page at Support. If you prefer a live discussion, you can join our chat channel either via Telegram or #translatewiki IRC channel on Libera.Chat. Not preferred, but if needed for security or privacy reasons, you can use the email address translatewiki@translatewiki.net.

  • You can discuss issues concerning a particular language with its translators on the talk page of the language portal.
  • You can discuss issues concerning a particular project with its supporters and the developer liaison on the talk page of the project page.
  • You can discuss issues with individual users on their user talk page, or by e-mail (click on the e-mail link in the sidebar on a user page), if they have chosen to allow e-mail.