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From translatewiki.net
This page is a translated version of the page Technology and the translation is 9% complete.

translatewiki.net кёчюрюу ишлеулени къызыулашдырыр ючюн эмда эсеблени агъачын маджаллашдырыр ючюн, талай болушчу технология хайырланады; Бу вики бла байламлы болмагъан кёчюрюу системаны юсюнден къошакъ информация ючюн кёчюрюуге юретиу эмда бютеулей документациягъа къарагъыз.

Translation aids

The simplest translation aids are just a collection of potentially useful information.

Translations to other languages
You can choose any languages you wish to see when translating. Translations to chosen languages are displayed if they already exist. Translations into a related language give you ideas about words and grammar structures. Or you can just use it to learn about another language!
Message documentation
All software contains those tricky messages that are hard to understand, even with context. translatewiki.net сайтда бу билдирулеге джараулу документация барды деб сагъыш этебиз. Even if there is not, we will help you to get it. Just place your request on our Support page. Documentation tells you about the context (button, title), contents of the variables and anything else you need to be aware of when translating.
Syntactic checks
We have implemented simple checks that alert you to simple mistakes like unused and unknown variables, bad HTML mark-up and unbalanced braces. These simple mistakes can often result in corrupt or broken display, so it is important to find them early.
Translators have easy access to agreed upon translations when translating. We provide tools to manage a glossary in each language. Discussions can be opened for terms without a clear translation.

Translation technologies

These are more advanced technologies which take advantage of achievements in areas of computer science and language technology.

Translation memory
Translation memory helps you to make more consistent translations, and speeds up the translation of similar and repetitive messages. Our translation memory is shared across all supported projects.
Machine translation
We integrate machine translation services to speed up translating. The list of supported providers and supported languages can vary over time.