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User talk:Amire80/Archive/2023/07

From translatewiki.net
Latest comment: 1 year ago by Amire80 in topic Article Feedback v5
Archive icon This is an archive page for the Support page. Do not post new threads here, they will likely not be read. If you wish to continue an archived discussion, start a new thread on the Support page and include a link to the archived discussion.

A mistake I made when translating

Hello! I recently started saving system messages in British English when they were identical to the original language, not realising I wasn't meant to do this. I only realised when I went to one of the pages I was going to save and saw the delete log there. Could you please delete the pages listed below? (It may not be all of them, but it should be most of them):

  • MediaWiki:Sun/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Saturday/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Friday/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Thursday/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Wednesday/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tuesday/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Monday/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Sunday/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Editfont-style/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Underline-default/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Underline-never/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Underline-always/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-requireemail/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-prefershttps/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-useeditwarning/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-forceeditsummary/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-uselivepreview/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-fancysig/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-oldsig/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-shownumberswatching/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-enotifrevealaddr/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-enotifminoredits/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-previewonfirst/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-previewontop/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-watchrollback/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-watchuploads/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-watchdeletion/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-watchmoves/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-watchdefault/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-watchcreations/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-usenewrc/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-extendwatchlist/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-newpageshidepatrolled/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-hidepatrolled/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-hideminor/en-gb
  • MediaWiki:Tog-underline/en-gb

Thanks in advance, and I apologise for the mistake. Piano1forte2 (talk) 07:25, 14 July 2023 (UTC)

Thanks. I'm deleting them. I'm also deleting those in which the only difference is the change of double quotes to single quotes. As far as I can tell, single quotes are not universal mandatory in British English, and changing messages just for that creates unnecessary review burden. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 09:03, 14 July 2023 (UTC)

Request for deletion/moving

Thanks. -- Winston Sung (talk) 18:25, 16 July 2023 (UTC)
I moved wuu and yue, but https://translatewiki.net/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright/zh-tw is different from https://translatewiki.net/wiki/MediaWiki:Copyright/zh-hant . Are you sure? Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 07:16, 17 July 2023 (UTC)
Yes. That was not updated and outdated. -- Winston Sung (talk) 07:17, 17 July 2023 (UTC)
OK, deleted. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 07:19, 17 July 2023 (UTC)
Thanks. -- Winston Sung (talk) 07:21, 17 July 2023 (UTC)

Karakalpak bug

I created a task in Phabricator (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T335175) on 17th of May 2023.

And later it was created a related patch in gerrit also: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/919321 (you are in reviewers CC), but soon was abandoned I think.

As I understand now there is nobody involved in it (I haven't enough knowledge to work in gerrit myself). I understood, that you are very busy, but it passed one month and the issue is still not solved. So can I ask you to support with this task or we should wait for some months?

Thank you in advance Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov (talk) 06:44, 17 June 2023 (UTC)

I moved this conversation from MediaWiki talk:Wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-link/kaa, because it's unrelated to that page.
I'll take a look at that bug and try to find someone who can fix that.
It's always okay to ask me questions like that here on my user talk page. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 09:49, 17 June 2023 (UTC)
Thank you for the correction and advice. I will follow it in the future. Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov (talk) 10:58, 17 June 2023 (UTC)
Hi @Amire80
Good day to you.
Sorry for bothering you, unfortunately since our discussion about this bug report last time, there is nobody, who tried to solve the bug. Could you pay attention to this issue, please? Thank you in advance. Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov (talk) 21:10, 13 July 2023 (UTC)
Thanks for the reminder. I'll check again. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 04:42, 14 July 2023 (UTC)
Thank you @Amire80. Actually I planned to make some announcement to Karakalpak communtiy for Kaawiki development after solving this issue. There is no other big issues like this. Unfortunately nobody is involving in this bug. It's uncomfortable to write to you every time. Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov (talk) 19:19, 24 July 2023 (UTC)


העובדה לא נכונה, ניסיתי למוחקה באנגלית ומסנן ההשחתות לא אפשר לי. מיכי י-ם (talk) 08:25, 25 July 2023 (UTC)

כי הודעות באנגלית צריך לשנות בקוד מקור באמצעות גיט ולא באמצעות עריכת דף ויקי.
אני יכול לעשות את זה אם תיתן לי הוראות צעד־צעד איך להדגים שהעובדה הזאת לא נכונה. --Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 08:29, 25 July 2023 (UTC)
לדעתי הכי פשוט לשאול את עורכי הממשק בויקיפדיה.
אם תרצה לבדוק בעצמך, העתק את הקוד המצורף לדף אישי עם סיומת js, וראה מה קורה בתצוגה מקדימה ומה בשמירה.
alert("hello amir"); מיכי י-ם (talk) 15:57, 25 July 2023 (UTC)
אם זה לא סתם דף בעל שם אקראי וסיומת js, אלא דף js שאמור לרוץ בכל טעינת דף, למשל common.js, אז בדיוק כמו שכתוב בהודעה, הוא רץ כשעושים תצוגה מקדימה.
אולי אפשר להבהיר את ההודעה על־ידי כתיבה שזה יקרה רק בתנאי הזה, אבל גם זה כנראה לא כל־כך נחוץ, כי מי שמתעסק ב־js באתרי מדיה־ויקי, כנראה מבין שלא כל דף סתם ירוץ, ומי שלא מתעסק בזה הרבה, עדיף שייזהר יותר ממי שכן מתעסק :) --Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 16:17, 25 July 2023 (UTC)
הופתעתי לגלות (אני עוסק בjs באתר שלי אבל לא ידעתי שבדף הראשי זה עובד). מיכי י-ם (talk) 17:44, 25 July 2023 (UTC)

Article Feedback v5

...is discontinued a long time ago yet messages for translation still appear Milićević (talk) 19:58, 27 July 2023 (UTC)

It hasn't been used on Wikimedia sites for many years, so it doesn't appear in "Extensions used by Wikimedia". I heard that it's used on some other sites, and it even receives occasional bug fixes. On translatewiki, there are many extensions that aren't used by Wikimedia, and that's okay, because translatewiki is not limited to Wikimedia projects.
If you only care about Wikimedia projects, translate only extensions that appear in the "Extensions used by Wikimedia" group (especially "Extensions used by Wikimedia - Main").
If you think that Article Feedback v5 should be archived completely, start a discussion about it on Phabricator or MediaWiki.org. If it's archived, it will be removed from translatewiki. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 20:08, 27 July 2023 (UTC)