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User talk:Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov

From translatewiki.net

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Help on Wikidata109:04, 20 January 2025
Kazak language edits212:09, 22 April 2023

Help on Wikidata


Sorry to bother you, you're one of the only person I could find speaking Karakalpakin the Wikimedia movment. Could you take a look at this page and confirm that it's really a word in Karakalpak and if it is, what kind of word it is? (right now, it's indicated "currency" but it's probably a noun, maybe an proper noun or an adjective?) and what it means? (I'm guessing it's related to money but I have no certainty so I prefer not to edit it without knowing enough).


VIGNERON (talk)15:11, 19 January 2025

Dear Vigneron, it's better to change it into "abbazı" kindly see this page from Karakalpak Wiktionary. Yes it's currency name in Karakalpak language, so it's noun, but not current currency, it's a currency which was used at XVII-XVIII century.

Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov (talk)09:04, 20 January 2025

Kazak language edits

Helloǃ I ask you not to edit Kazak language, you are creating a mess by using Latin script in a different version of the language (probably you got confused with our own Qaraqalpaq language). In any case please work on your own language. Because of this confusion I cannot fix the latinized version of your edit. Batyrbek.kz (talk)

Batyrbek.kz (talk)09:16, 15 January 2023

Dear Batyrbek, sorry, yes it seems, that I confused, because Kazak language is selected as basic for Karakalpak. When I search some words to translate, it's coming ..../kk instead of /kka. I apologize and promise you to be more attentively in the future.

Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov (talk)03:31, 16 January 2023

Ok, no worries. Thank you for understandingǃ

Batyrbek.kz (talk)12:09, 22 April 2023