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User talk:Mormegil

From translatewiki.net
Babel user information
cs-N Tato uživatelka je rodilá mluvčí češtiny.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
de-1 Diese Benutzerin beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Variables220:57, 31 March 2022
Díky016:54, 19 September 2019
Dvoufázové ověření / Dvouaktorová autentizace115:55, 19 September 2019
Babel312:42, 19 September 2019
funkce betaverze207:35, 14 December 2016
Slovak611:32, 11 August 2016
Úředničina009:20, 29 June 2016
Akuzativ × nominativ121:45, 12 November 2015
Please see the opportunity, not the threat516:52, 14 October 2015
ContentTranslation017:14, 20 August 2015
Zmínky v diskusi018:37, 18 December 2014
API translation314:42, 11 November 2014
Ohledně nedávných změn120:43, 26 May 2014
MediaWiki:Visualeditor-dialog-media-position-section/cs117:30, 11 February 2014
MediaWiki:Massmessage-cannot-rename/cs214:38, 4 February 2014
Pohlaví219:37, 24 January 2014
Thank you from Blockly004:31, 26 May 2013
Thank you for your translations of Waymarked Trails to Czech!008:18, 21 September 2012
Wiki miluje památky - průvodce022:28, 29 May 2012
"Česky" or "Čeština"?609:10, 18 April 2012
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Why changing {{language_name}} to {{language}} for example, like in here http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?oldid=1841374 ?

Nike13:41, 9 January 2010
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 20:56, 31 March 2022

Oops! Thanks for the warning, it has been just a mistake caused by a partial reuse of another translation (Diary entries.index.in language title ("Diary Entries in %{language}") has language, while Diary entries.feed.language.description ("Recent diary entries from users of OpenStreetMap in %{language_name}") has language_name, quite a gotcha!). I fixed the two errors I found.

Thanks again.

Mormegil13:53, 9 January 2010

No problem. Good job. I was just wondering whether you had a reason to do so.

Nike13:57, 9 January 2010

Zdravím, díky za opravu mých chybných úprav a překladů, budu se toho držet (toho, co je uvedeno ve shrnutí při revertu).

MrJaroslavik (talk)16:54, 19 September 2019

Dvoufázové ověření / Dvouaktorová autentizace

Ahoj, proč si myslíš, že je lepší používat název Dvoufaktorová autentizace namísto Dvoufázového ověření? UJČ uvádí pouze variantu dvojfázový/dvoufázový.

Patriccck (talk)12:41, 19 September 2019

Dvoufázový a dvoufaktorový nejsou žádné dvě varianty jednoho slova, jsou to dvě různé věci, takže ÚJČ je irelevantní. Co se týče autentizace vs. ověření, řekl bych, že „ověření“ je strašně obecné slovo, které už se i na wiki používá v X různých významech, takže není potřeba k nim přidávat další. „Autentizace“ je normálně používané slovo se zcela jednoznačným významem, nevidím důvod se mu vyhýbat.

Mormegil (talk)15:55, 19 September 2019

Ahoj, děkuji za opravení šablony Plural parametrem few. Je tedy tohle správně?

Patriccck (talk)19:54, 27 March 2019

Zkontroluj prosím moje editace, snad je to správně. Bylo by možné to nějak udělat zde?

Patriccck (talk)20:06, 27 March 2019
Patriccck (talk)20:08, 27 March 2019

A ještě zde?

Patriccck (talk)20:11, 27 March 2019

funkce betaverze

K těmto a podobným: Ty funkce jsou přeci experimentální funkce všech Wikipedií, nikoliv funkce jedné experimentální Wikipedie, proto by to měly být beta-funkce, správněji česky pak funkce beta, nikoliv funkce jakési beta-verze (česky správněji když už verze beta). Podívejte se i na překlady do ostatních jazyků. Nebo se také můžeme (obdobně jako poláci) na cizí slovo beta vykašlat a pojmenovat je raději experimentální nebo nějak podobně. Ta původní podoba mi přijde příliš zavádějící a nepřesná pro dané funkce.

Dvorapa (talk)15:20, 12 December 2016

google:"beta.funkce", google:"funkce.beta", google:"betaverze", google:"beta.verze", google:"verze.beta".

V angličtině je beta přídavné jméno, takže ho lze aplikovat na cokoli. V češtině žádné takové přídavné jméno neexistuje, používají se leda ustálené výrazy typu „betaverze“ (někdy tedy i „verze beta“, byť, řekl bych, výrazně méně často). Termín „beta funkce“ jsem v tomto významu nikdy neviděl, googlováním jsem objevil dva výskyty, z toho jedním byl váš příspěvek Pod lípou.

Alternativní řešení můžeme také zvážit, problém ovšem je trochu v tom, že označení Beta nadace používá poměrně často, s čímž souvisí i betafeatures-toplink ("Beta"). A polské řešení tohoto hlášení je hrozné – najednou je z toho největší odkaz v osobním menu. I když možná by se dalo ty přístupy smíchat, na celek odkazovat jako na Beta, ale v termínu „beta features“ už používat nějaký opis ve stylu toho „experimentální/testovací/… funkce“.

Mormegil (talk)12:58, 13 December 2016

Máte pravdu, poláci měli dobrý nápad, bohužel však děsivé provedení. Kompromis, tedy kombinace „Beta“ a „experimentální/testovací funkce“ se mi zdá jako dobré řešení. Nechám to na vás, jestli to tak provést nebo to nechat, jak to je.

Dvorapa (talk)07:35, 14 December 2016

I'm curious about your babel. Do you ever read the Wikipedia in Slovak? How hard is it for you to understand their articles?

Nemo (talk)22:12, 9 August 2016

For Czech speaking people it is easy to understand Slovak.

Dvorapa (talk)12:43, 10 August 2016

Thanks to you too. :)

Nemo (talk)13:44, 10 August 2016
Mormegil (talk)07:45, 11 August 2016

Shouldn't we set them as MediaWiki fallback language for each other, then?

Nemo (talk)07:53, 11 August 2016

For pywikibot it has been already set as a fallback language, therefore it could be for MW too, what do you think @Mormegil, Matěj Suchánek, and Danny B.:?

Dvorapa (talk)11:21, 11 August 2016


Reaguji na [1] a [2]. Vím, že to vypadá zbytečně, ale v jednom případě se uživatelce, která nemá v nastavení změněné pohlaví (tím zvláštním „ona upravila článek“), zobrazí text pánský: „právě jste založil“ a ve druhém případě dokonce množné číslo. Co o tom soudíte? Proč ne neutrálně? Vím, že asi já to dělám chybně, protože i Danny B. to opravuje stejně, jenom by mě tedy zajímalo, co a proč je správně pro neznámé pohlaví? Dělal, dělal(a) nebo dělali?

Jo a ještě drobnost, když vám píšu: Netušíte, kde se dá přeložit ono talk u podpisu, který se objevuje tady na translatewiki pod mým příspěvkem? Asi někde pod LQT, ale nemůžu to najít.

Dvorapa (talk)22:34, 28 June 2016

Akuzativ × nominativ

Nevím, nominativ jsem volil hlavně podle [1], podle mě se tam hodil víc.

Matěj Suchánek (talk)20:27, 12 November 2015

Pak je to asi otázkou vkusu, ale IMHO

skrýt: [x] anonymní uživatelé

je prostě divné. :-) Kdyby tam bylo třeba „Skryté položky:“ (OBTW taky by to tam teď chtělo velké písmeno, ale je tam zneužito standardní hide ("Hide") a předělávat takovou drobnost jsem líný), tak jasně, ale takhle ve víceméně větném kontextu…

Mormegil (talk)21:45, 12 November 2015

Please see the opportunity, not the threat

Hi. I came across this edit in IRC, and it looks to me like you're frustrated that other people than you, or very experienced translators are contributing to the language you've been a long time and passionate contributor to. I'd urge you to not dispair, and see the opportunity, instead of the threat of having more active contributors. If you engage in conversation with the new translator(s), you may get more active localisation for your language, leading to better maintenance, and ultimately, a higher quality and higher completion levels. Nemo made an effort to explain it in different words, too here: Thread:Support/Translation_Rally. Thank you for your understanding, your (hopefully ;)) new found patience, and your continued support. Cheers!

Siebrand08:42, 20 May 2015

That specific edit was quite fine (fixing such a tiny typo would, indeed, be just a triviality, and explaining the correct usage to a newbie would be simple). But see for instance this “I don’t know what ‘wiki set’ means, so I’ll ignore one word and use just ‘wiki’ instead”. How do you explain that to a newbie? “Don’t translate what you don’t understand and don’t just wildly guess”? Is it really necessary to explain such obvious rules? Huge red warning “This message uses technical terminology. Do not translate it, if you are unsure of the meaning this message has in context.” does not suffice, I guess?

My main problem with translation rallies are the completely wrong incentives it generates. They are focused on bulk quantity. Some languages might need a big push in raw quantity of newly translated messages, I guess. But newcomers leaping to mass-translate API messages as quickly as they can, what good is that? If translation rallies would be more focused (e.g. “we need to translate this new extension”, “this language needs more translators” etc.), more quality-minded (e.g. only proofread translations count), that could help, I believe. Or, at least, exclude API translation from the rally (IMHO, it would be better to somehow separate API in Translate completely, I believe). (Currently, the translation rally even guides newbies to translate API messages.)

I admit enlarging the translator pool is a good motive, but I doubt translation rallies work in that regard. Do we have statistics on past rally winners and their work here after a rally ended? How large percentage stayed to do (unpaid) translations?

Mormegil (talk)09:28, 20 May 2015

People read badly is a scientifically provent fact, Niklas pointed out to me last week. The obvious, unfortunately, has to be explained explicitly more often than now. The end result will be a true collaborator. Yes, you have to be patient, yes it's not easy. I feel your pain. I dealt with it over the past 11 years that I've been doing translations. I'm also happy that (most) people treated me with understanding for my mistakes in my early years, because I don't know if I'd become the expert I am now otherwise.

If you get frustrated, please do feel free to vent to me by e-mail or on-wiki, but preferably on IRC in #mediawiki-i18n, because that's the place where people are available almost 24 hours a day to help you and guide you towards doing the right thing. Cheers!

Some stick around after a rally, most people don't. Still, something is better than nothing. Not doing this, would mean we miss out on more than 20.000 translations.

Siebrand11:21, 20 May 2015

Hi, I am a contributor to the Czech translation and I am happy to see someone pointing out Mormegil's behavior towards other translators.

While his contributions are surely remarkable, his attitude towards others can often come across as arrogant and I believe can be putting off people from contributing (at least speaking from my own experience).

You can see from a few recent examples that his comments tend to be vulgar if he disapproves of a translation without providing any explanation or helpful feedback (see for example [1], [2] or [3]). One of my favourites is this one [4] - his comment says "Again Cvanca", while I made a contribution he didn't revert nor delete - the referred issue he corrected was made way before my edit.

I think such behavior is harming the community and may be putting off newcomers and I personaly find this means of expression disrespectful. We all make mistakes and we all learn, if he is more experienced he should rather guide others or share his knowledge, because complaining and insulting people is something anyone can do.

@Siebrand: Thank you for starting this thread. If you have any further pointers how to improve the situation and make contributors feel more welcome, please share your thoughts.

Cvanca (talk)19:09, 13 October 2015

But share them elsewhere, please, I’d rather not have my talkpage bombarded with that.

(One of my favorites is [1]. And “didn’t revert”? ORLY?)

I think that patently wrong translations are worse than no translation at all. (When the user sees an untranslated English message, he/she might understand it, ask someone, or put it into Google Translate. When the message is completely wrong, he/she is mislead without hope.)

Mormegil (talk)08:57, 14 October 2015

Hi Mormegil,

I think I didn't manage to convey the message, so I will try to explain what I wanted to express.

We are all intending to improve translations with this particular goal in mind and I believe that each one of us has something to offer. It is about learning from each other, sharing opinions and knowledge. Open source communities don't work on basis of a directive managerial style.

Assuming your goal is the same, I have decided to share a few points that might help you be better understood, because people often don't realize how their words and actions impact others, especially if English is not their mother tongue (e.g. please don't use "wtf", is considered highly offensive):

  1. Assume people mean well, majority of us is doing it for fun, so let's keep the positive spirit - more in the Wikipedia behavioral guidelines.
  2. Try to avoid some specific words, symbols, or their combinations, such as "phew" ("uf" in Czech), "wtf", or "ahem" ("ehm" in Czech), especially if it is the only comment you provide, and please stop using exclamation marks (also in combination with question marks). Instead try to start your comment with "Thank you for the edit, but I believe the correct form is ...", it will have better effect on the learning curve of other translators.
  3. It is important to treat other contributors with respect, making them feel welcome so that they would stick around and get better, because you have once been a beginner yourself. In other words "nothing scares potentially valuable contributors away faster than hostility", quoted from Wikipedia:Please do not bite the newcomers, see my previous point.
  4. Treat people case by case, if you see a person has submitted a few hundred translations and made a mistake or two, it is not fair to accuse them of vandalism, because they may feel unwelcome and lose interest in contributing. Typical vandalism would be "adding irrelevant obscenities and crude humor to a page, illegitimately blanking pages, and inserting obvious nonsense into a page", quoted from Wikipedia:Vandalism. Also try to avoid the word "vandal" as "this word should not be used to refer to any contributor in good standing, or to any edits that might have been made in good faith", quoted from the same source.
  5. Don't hesitate to share your knowledge and explain why some translations might be better than others, by for example sharing links to external sources or explaining unwritten standards of translating. You will be surprised to find out that many people actually want to get better and will likely listen to your advice and possibly come back to you if they are unsure in the future.

You can find more in the Wikipedia Etiquette, it could help keeping the atmosphere in the community friendlier and hopefully result in better translations as well as higher quantity.

Cvanca (talk)16:52, 14 October 2015



Can you please help complete the localization of ContentTranslation?


Amir E. Aharoni (talk)17:14, 20 August 2015

Zmínky v diskusi

Problém: některá hlášení vypisují «vás zmínil v diskusi k „stránka“ u „sekce“» a některá «vás zmínil v diskusi uživatele stránka u „sekce“». U obou je problém, že nerozeznávají mezi uživatelskou a neuživatelskou diskusí. Měli bychom najít skutečně univerzální spojení...

Matěj Suchánek (talk)18:37, 18 December 2014

API translation

Čau. Proč "Vandalism"? zde To přeci není žádné klíčové slovo.

YjM (talk)11:17, 11 November 2014

Nevím, co je to „klíčové slovo“, ale při překladu softwarových hlášek je vcelku dobré vědět, co vlastně překládám, místo tipování. Tato konkrétní hláška popisuje, co dělá API volání api.php?action=block&user=Vandal&expiry=never&reason=Vandalism&nocreate=&autoblock=&noemail=&token=123ABC. Inu, toto volání dělá přesně to, co jsem napsal.

Mormegil (talk)12:01, 11 November 2014

Aha, díky. Nejsem zatím moc velký kamarád s prostředím Translatewiki... Jak jsi zjistil k čemu se tato konkrétní hláška vztahuje?

YjM (talk)13:47, 11 November 2014

Nijak speciálně. Tyhle všechny hlášky jsou nápověda k API, tak jsem se do ní podíval a dohledal jsem tam tu konkrétní funkcionalitu. Teoreticky by takovéhle informace mohly/měly být uvedeny v /qqq dokumentaci, která se zobrzauje u překladu, ale že by tam byly všechny takovéhle podrobnosti, to je naprostá fikce.

Mormegil (talk)14:42, 11 November 2014

Ohledně nedávných změn

V block, unblock, blockip-legend a export jsem slovesa nahradil substantivy, protože si myslím, že v nadpisech vypadají lépe a pro sjednocení s ostatními názvy speciálních stránek – např. userrights, changeemail, mimesearch, fileduplicatesearch, import atd.

Nevím, na co jsem myslel u ipb-unblock-addr, ale zřejmě jsem chtěl udělat něco podobného jako ty. Určitě to nějak souviselo s gerrit:135436.

Matěj Grabovský (talk)20:17, 26 May 2014

Inu, ani v angličtině to sjednocené není ("User rights management" versus "Block user")... Já jsem to ale revertoval hlavně kvůli tomu, že jsem byl nějak přesvědčen, že se stejné hlášení používá i v nějakém aktivním kontextu, ale když teď koukám podrobně a snažím se to najít, tak zjišťuju, že jsem se asi spletl a všude se používá nějaké jiné hlášení...

Mormegil (talk)20:43, 26 May 2014


MediaWiki:Visualeditor-dialog-media-position-section/cs a příbuzné: Co raději zarovnánížádnévlevona středvpravo?

Utar (talk)12:37, 9 February 2014

To máš vždycky těžký, jak moc se odchýlit od originálu směrem ke snazšímu pochopení uživatele atd. Navíc je otázkou, jestli to je opravdu „zarovnání“ (zejména s tím „žádné“, což je takový překladatelský oříšek…). A třeba takový MS Word pro obdobnou funkcionalitu používá zase „Pozice“.

Ale moc bych se tím nestresoval, Visual Editor to stejně ještě dvacetkrát změní… Takže je mi to fuk, klidně to předělej nebo to tak nech.

Mormegil (talk)17:30, 11 February 2014


Ahoj, u MediaWiki:Massmessage-cannot-rename/cs vidím This is a system account and cannot be renamed. jako nejasné. Mohou být nějaké systémové účty přejmenovány? Pokud ano, pak je ta tvoje verze v pořádku (je systémový a nelze ho přejmenovat). Pokud ne, bylo by vhodné to přeformulovat (je systémový, _proto_ ho nelze přejmenovat). A vlastně, proč se mluví o systémových účtech, když je v dokumentaci uvedeno, že jde o robotické účty?

Utar (talk)15:13, 2 February 2014

Uf. Já bych tu jednu hlášku, kterou takřka nikdo nikdy neuvidí, zase tak složitě nerozebíral. Tvoji editaci jsem zrevertoval zejména proto, že z jednoduchého hlášení udělala lingvistický kvíz. „jenž tak“? Pokud nelze „tak“ přejmenovat, tak jak se tedy přejmenovat dá? Ten účet prostě přejmenovat nelze. V originále je taky jednoduché souřadné spojení a nikoli důsledková vazba (např. therefore). Ale pokud do té věty potřebuješ mermomocí přidat „proto“ nebo „tedy“, tak už to revertovat nebudu.

Mormegil (talk)16:39, 3 February 2014

Ano, tak bylo myšleno jako proto, ne tímto způsobem. Nechme to být.

Utar (talk)14:37, 4 February 2014

Ahoj, nevím, jestli něco náhodou netestuješ, ale Poslední změny nyní píší Mormegil zkontrolovala překlad :D . S pozdravem

Utar (talk)21:28, 22 January 2014

Ano, abych poznal, kde správně funguje GENDER, jsem tady uživatelka.

Mormegil (talk)09:27, 23 January 2014

Dobrý nápad, v tu chvíli mne to ale nenapadlo. Tak ať se překládání daří.

Utar (talk)19:37, 24 January 2014

Thank you from Blockly

Thanks so much for the Czech translation of the Blockly puzzle! If you'd like to view the translated version online, it's at [1]. FYI, a winner of an online contest we had was Czech [2].

Espertus (talk)04:31, 26 May 2013

Thank you for your translations of Waymarked Trails to Czech!

Thank you very much for your contributions to the Czech translation of Waymarked Trails! Your translations have been deployed for a while now, and you can see them in action on waymarkedtrails.org.

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)08:18, 21 September 2012

Wiki miluje památky - průvodce

Ahoj, mohu poprosit o kontrolu a User:Raymond/Wiki_Loves_Monuments/infographic ? Limojoe (talk) 22:28, 29 May 2012 (UTC)

Limojoe (talk)22:28, 29 May 2012

"Česky" or "Čeština"?


I've been cleaning up the list of language names in MediaWiki - languages/Names.php in mediawiki/core.

These names are most visible in the list of interlanguage links. Somebody commented that "Česky" should be changed to "Čeština". What do you think?

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)19:27, 31 March 2012
Edited by author.
Last edit: 17:18, 1 April 2012

"Česky" is an adverb and "Čeština" a noun, the name of the language in the language itself. I think "česky" is better for iw links because it means "in Czech" relating to the page title. Many languages uses the adjective form as interwiki link because there is not such a noun form. German can use an adjective as noun, e.g. adjective "deutsch", noun "Deutsch". The adjective form for "Czech" is "ceský" (there is an acute over the y character)., Also "Hornjoserbsce" for Upper Sorbian is an adverb and "Dolnoserbski" for Lower Sorbian is meant as adverb as well but here adjective form and adverbial form are identical. Both languages have similar noun forms like Czech: "Hornjoserbšćina" resp. "Dolnoserbšćina". The adjective form for Upper Sorbian is "Hornjoserbski". The issue is, you must know which context the language name is used in and if it must be declined. Only adjectives and nouns are declinable. The best solution would be that all forms are possible, as grammatically needed.

I wonder how our Czech friends will decide: keep using "česky" or use "český" or "čeština" in future.

Michawiki (talk)16:36, 1 April 2012

Well, currently the list is very simple - it has only one name for every language and its most visible placement is the interlanguage links list, so you should probably decide according to that.

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)16:39, 1 April 2012

Well, as Michawiki said, „česky“ is an adverb, while „čeština“ is the name of the language. As there is no simple definition of the contents of the $coreLanguageNames list, we have to decide what should be used in the only use case, i.e. the interlanguage list.

I would say both of the variants could be used there, and looking to the other Slavic languages, I see e.g. “Slovenčina”, which is an equivalent of “Čeština”, but e.g. “Polski” is (IIANM) equivalent of “Česky”.

Mormegil (talk)08:39, 10 April 2012

I prefer the adverb for interwiki links because I would understand the interwiki link text as "in Czech", "in Upper Sorbian", "in Polish" etc. Behind the interwiki link is no page about a language but the article in the corresponding language. But I think the Polish form Polski is an adjective, the adverb should be po polsku.

Michawiki (talk)19:59, 10 April 2012

FYI interlanguage list is not the only use case. It's also used in language selector in preferences and other places.

Nike (talk)06:51, 11 April 2012

I think most of such “generic” uses (just a simple selector with no surrounding sentence or other such context) could use both adverb or noun. The problem would be in cases somebody would like to include the language designator into a sentence (“If you want to read this in $1, click $2.”), but that cannot work at all in flective languages like Czech, anyway (you would need to decline the word).

So – I agree with Michawiki that keeping “česky” to be used in interlanguage links and language selectors is better. Even though it is not exactly a “language name”. (Note this also explains the difference between MW and CLDR.)

Mormegil (talk)09:10, 18 April 2012
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