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User talk:Nike

From translatewiki.net
Latest comment: 1 month ago by Nike in topic Mobile version
This discussion page previously used LiquidThreads. You can see and continue those discussions on the LiquidThreads archive page (all archives).

Patch query

Hello. gerrit:887322 does not seem to be working properly. I created User talk:MarcoAurelio/Archive 2 to test it and as you can see it keeps using LQT. I wonder if the hook is being executed by LQT itself? —MarcoAurelio (talk) 19:12, 24 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

I apologise. I've just been explained that once the page gets created the Hook just stops working. If the aim here was to totally avoid newly created discussion pages to use LQT, new code is probably needed. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 21:17, 24 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes, known issue. Haven't had time to explore if it can be improved yet. Nike (talk) 13:29, 25 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
If it is of any help, Wikimedia created a $wmgLiquidThreadsFrozen set which use this config (see also codesearch). Best regards, —MarcoAurelio (talk) 14:33, 27 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
I think it doesn't work for us, because we have $wgLqtTalkPages = true;. If I set it to false, all existing threads disappear. Nike (talk) 16:45, 27 February 2023 (UTC)Reply


Hello, I see that this page, when loading the statistics of any language, leaves a large unnecessary space below, can it be fixed? No se (talk) 15:41, 18 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

You can follow https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T291081 for progress. Nike (talk) 19:35, 18 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
I also see that this wiki, unlike others, like Wikipedia, Miraheze or Uncyclopedia, does not have the Syntaxhighlight extension, that extension would help me a lot to know if the code that I enter in any page of this wiki will look different or not, I mean, with that extension, I can check if a link I put will look blue, I can also check by the color if it's a template or a magic word No se (talk) 02:57, 24 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
I don't know why you say so. SyntaxHighlight extension is installed on this wiki.
I also recommend to use Support for questions and requests that can be processed by other people too. Nike (talk) 06:40, 25 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
I believe @No se may be referring to CodeMirror, which has a syntax highlight option for wikitext. Jon Harald Søby (talk) 12:00, 25 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh that may be it. I'm not keeping up to speed with all the different editor extensions. Nike (talk) 12:07, 25 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Why is the language code of message documentation qqq?

Sorry to bother you. I would like to ask a small question: Why is the language code of message documentation qqq?

I learned that qaa to qtz are all reserved codes, but why was qqq specifically chosen? After some searching, I found phab:T17802, which introduced qqx as the language code of message key, inspired by qqq. However, I couldn't find why qqq was chosen. I only found Special:Diff/210480 which said that message documentation was moved from MediaWiki talk:MESSAGE NAME/info to MediaWiki:MESSAGE NAME/qqq. The earliest infomation I can find is this deletion log (and tens of logs following) on December 26, 2007, which cleaned up MediaWiki talk namespace, probably moving documentation to /qqq.

Since you are the founder of this website, I guess you may know the answer. However, it is hard to remember something that happened 10+ years ago. I apologize if this is too difficult for you. TripleCamera2022 (talk) 13:45, 4 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

There isn't a substantial reason other than using a code reserved for private use. `qqq` is easy to remember so that's probably why it was chosen. Nike (talk) 16:08, 4 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
OK. Thanks! TripleCamera2022 (talk) 07:40, 5 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

My request

I submitted a request years ago! Could you maybe have a look at it 😅? Justman10000 (talk) 00:31, 10 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

@Nike Still there? Justman10000 (talk) 00:06, 26 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Note for the record: mw:Topic:Y4i1jx116mxpu7kh. Pppery (talk) 16:43, 28 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
And that is relevant because? Justman10000 (talk) 17:59, 28 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Couple of thoughts: That page isn't really in use anymore (note to us to mark this clearly and send people to somewhere else). I think these days this kind of requests should go to Support. Also, we don't really have a good process for these kind of requests, and I with my limited visibility on the day to day activities on this wiki I am not feeling confident on making such decisions alone. Nike (talk) 09:55, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
You are the only one of 2 people who have unlimited permissions! And who exactly should make the decisions? Justman10000 (talk) 12:50, 29 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

i18n formats support ?

Hello Niklas, happy to interact again and thank you for translatewiki.net. I opened Support#Translatewiki_support_for_other_i18n_formats_?, it would be interesting to know if your team already support alternative i18n formats or is willing to walk this road. Let's continue the discussion on the Support forum. Best regards. Yug (talk) 13:42, 31 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

English-catalan translation

Hoog morning. You have a mail about this subject. Please say something Pallares (talk) 10:39, 9 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

I have forwarded your question to more relevant people. Nike (talk) 13:53, 9 September 2024 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I loof forward to news. But I woudn't want to wait a year. Thanks Pallares (talk) 11:24, 11 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

removed OSM translations

Hello Nike. I am correcting links to Osm: documentation pages that have been moved under a new name. Usually in the deletion log one can find the name of the page under which it was moved. But there is a small group of messages deleted with the comment https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/4006. Is there any way to determine under what name these messages were moved? For example https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Osm:Javascripts.map.copyright/en&action=edit&redlink=1 I would like to correct links, such as here instead of deleting them. I'm writing to you because you participated in this topic on GitHub. maro21 (talk) 21:38, 13 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

MediaWiki doesn't show it to me either. Tha message may or may not be https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Osm:Javascripts.map.copyright_text/en&action=history Nike (talk) 06:57, 14 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Mobile version

Hi Nike, I have been using Translatewiki for some time now and really appreciate the platform and its contributions to open-source projects. However, I have noticed that there is no dedicated mobile version or mobile-friendly interface for the site. This makes translating quite challenging when using a phone or tablet, as the desktop interface is not optimized for smaller screens.

I wanted to ask whether there are any ongoing or planned efforts to improve Translatewiki’s mobile accessibility. Are there any existing discussions or development plans regarding a mobile-friendly version of the interface? If so, I would love to learn more about the current status of this initiative and whether contributors can help in any way.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response. Wooze 08:56, 1 February 2025 (UTC)Reply

We are aware of the issue, but there are no definitive plans yet. Current thinking is that we will do a rewrite using mw:Codex in the upcoming years. Before that we are planning to rewrite the language selector as that code is even older. Nike (talk) 07:23, 3 February 2025 (UTC)Reply