Portal talk:Zh/存档/1
Excuse me, but I see
- zh-N 这位用户明白中文的母语。
What is 中文的母语 ? 上古中文 ? Maybe use (the hans version of) 為 (which I am not set up to input today). Jidanni 00:20, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
Ah ha, compare wikipedia:Template:User_zh ! 否則好諷刺。 Jidanni 21:47, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
- Is this the right place to write messages where the Zh translators can see them?
- Should I "fix" bugzilla:17742?
- Can somebody fix bugzilla:17736?
Jidanni 00:20, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
- Just to give others a little context. We have been mailing a bit outside the system. You have been trying to send me patches, but I have not yet managed to tell you what I expect you to submit to me :). So here a little explanation:
- patches to 'run time' exports of gettext files from translatewiki.net are useless. The gettext files change all the time. What to submit? The whole file (ideally in zipped format to create smaller e-mails. See more at Translating:Offline.
- patches to MediaWiki php files: Submit a patch in a file (not below e-mail text) as a proper patch. Alternatively send me the whole file that was changed.
- As for your questions: if you are a translator, feel free to translate and/or correct anything you can contribute to. For 'zh-tw' the current policy, I believe, is to only add a translation where it differs from the fallback. This *should* be the place where 'zh' translators come to discuss, indeed. If they need a push, I would advise you to drop a note on the talk page of a few active zh translators pointing them here. All communities need a little guidance to get going :). Cheers! Siebrand 08:55, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
Wiktionary在zh-hant中應譯為「維基詞典」,還是「維基辭典」? | 0 | 15:24, 16 July 2017 |
做出 vs 作出 | 0 | 15:24, 16 July 2017 |
说明 & 說明 | 0 | 15:24, 16 July 2017 |
Project-localized-name的繁體部分沒有翻譯 | 0 | 15:24, 16 July 2017 |
Fallback | 1 | 15:20, 16 July 2017 |
這是我整理的一份通用術語表,請各位朋友繼續增加擴充。 | 4 | 15:20, 16 July 2017 |
繁體中文翻譯員嚴重不足! | 0 | 15:20, 16 July 2017 |
Special:AdvancedTranslate被關閉了 | 1 | 15:20, 16 July 2017 |
About Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-acra report dialog comment/zh-hans | 4 | 15:19, 16 July 2017 |
Mantis "Note" in Traditional Characters 繁體字 | 1 | 15:19, 16 July 2017 |
<del>关于Template一词的最终译名,投票吧!關於Template一詞的最終譯名,投票吧!</del> | 0 | 15:19, 16 July 2017 |
模板 vs. 樣板 | 0 | 10:18, 14 December 2014 |
模板 vs. 樣板 | 0 | 10:17, 14 December 2014 |
About Wikimedia:Mobileapp-about-close/zh-hans | 0 | 03:58, 25 November 2014 |
Special:FirstSteps 的翻译 | 2 | 11:03, 6 October 2014 |
何时可以存档 | 1 | 11:02, 6 October 2014 |
有关不定冠词a(n) | 0 | 12:52, 11 August 2014 |
有問題的使用者 | 1 | 09:55, 19 June 2014 |
Ping User:LNDDYL

就個人理解,中文簡繁代碼 zh-hans 與 zh-hant 之間是否應該相互被 fallback ,就像葡萄牙語 (pt,用於葡萄牙 & 澳門) 與巴西葡萄牙語 (pt-br) ;以及閩東語 (cdo) 與閩南語 (nan) 一樣?
另外,是否可以將粵語 (yue) fallback 到 zh-hant?
2015-05-18: Translation of special page aliases and magic words is no longer possible, see Gerrit:211677.
知道了,以後乖乖去 Phabricator 請求變更特殊頁面標題 / 命名空間 / 魔術字的別名吧。
I notice that "note" is translated "說明" in 繁體字 and "注释" in 简体字. Do you think "注釋" would be a better translation in 繁體字?
现在不定冠词a(n)的翻译太混乱了。 汉语里头没有冠词这种用法,翻译时应该格外注意,不要什么时候都翻译成“一个”。 应该分具体情况翻译。如果不是强调,就不用翻译出来,只有需要强调时,才翻译成“一个”。
Yyaootw(使用者名稱叫 用戶 的那個使用者應該又也是他的分身),使用機器翻譯(machine translation,微軟譯造程式翻譯)翻譯這頁面 Template:Welcome/zh-hant(history)。因為他的翻譯語法嚴重錯誤、輕微語意不通,而且雖是繁體字/正體字,但全部為大陸用語/術語,所以我推斷為機器翻譯。他在中文維基百科和中文偽維百科已被永久封禁。請大家幫忙留意一下。(參考:wikipedia:zh:User:Tp61i6m42008、wikipedia:zh:Wikipedia:當前的破壞/存檔/持續出沒的破壞者/User:Tp61i6m42008、Google搜尋 Yyaootw site:wikipedia.org、zh.uncyclopedia.info/wiki/用戶:Tp61i6m42008、zh.uncyclopedia.info/wiki/偽基百科:當前的破壞/存檔1#tp61i6m42008在維基、wikia:evchk:香港網絡大典:社區/Archive_11#留意用戶名叫用戶的那個人)