Un collection de links a information e statisticas pri
Li max important statisticas es collectet sur tri special págines del extension «Translate».
- Procentage de completion por linges che Special:LanguageStats e por projectes Special:MessageGroupStats,
- Special:TranslationStats es un generator de graphes por edits, activ traductores o nov usatores. It trova se soventmen in mult págines, queles se mentionat in infra.
Statisticas pri lingues
- Liste del supportat lingues, quel indica anc li nómines del participant traductores por omni lingue.
- Liste del supportat lingues, ordinat secun lingual families.
- Special págine Statiscticas pri li lingue por omni gruppes de novitás por un lingue.
Sur li págines de portal por li unic lingues:
- List of translators.
- Map of translators who speak that language.
- Graphs of recent translation and review activity.
- Link to view recent translations in that language.
- Other information about that language and translator resources.
For list of portal pages see category Languages.
Statistica pri projectes
Project translation statistics are updated real time at Special:MessageGroupStats. On that page you can see the completion percentage of translations into each language for a chosen project. On each project page you can find:
- Link to view recent translations for that project.
- Completion percentage statistics for past product releases (if applicable).
- Completion percentage for any day in the history.
- Graphs of recent translation and review activity.
- Map of translators who have translated that project and provided their location.
For a list of project pages see project list, or the category of supported projects.
Statistics about users
Statistics about
- Basic statistics on the pages, edits and users on
- Information about the software used to power, including information on current software versions, copyright, and installed extensions.