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translation help....

translation help....

Please help for this I have tried so hard to solve this problem. Some administrator can solve this I think. Please help...........

NehalDaveND (talk)09:32, 11 May 2014

No, administrators can't solve it. Please use bugzilla.

Nemo (talk)06:20, 15 May 2014


  • Rcshowhideminor-show [link text] (“Show”)
  • Rcshowhidebots-show [link text] (“Show”)
  • Recentchanges-legend-heading [legend heading] (“<strong>Legend:</strong>”)
Shirayuki (talk)04:50, 16 May 2014

Thank you so much. First of all tell me how you knew this is the proper translation. And after solve this problem also...

NehalDaveND (talk)06:35, 16 May 2014



Liuxinyu970226 (talk)00:36, 17 May 2014

See mw:Help:System message. "uselang=qqx" is useful.

Shirayuki (talk)06:03, 17 May 2014

here I can't use this userlang=qqx please help...

NehalDaveND (talk)08:00, 17 May 2014

The url for the recentchanges page already has a ? in it. So instead of ?uselang=qqx you should use &uselang=qqx. Does that help?

Lloffiwr (talk)22:25, 13 July 2014