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Project:Privacy policy/sl

From translatewiki.net
This page is a translated version of the page Project:Privacy policy and the translation is 10% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

General scope

This policy covers personally identifiable information collected or stored by translatewiki.net on its servers in relation to the project and its community. translatewiki.net collects and retains the least amount of personally identifiable information needed to fulfill the projects' operational needs.

The public and collaborative nature of the projects

translatewiki.net is collaboratively developed by its users using the MediaWiki software. Anyone having been granted edit permissions may edit the editable pages of this site while logged in as a registered user. By doing this, editors create a published document, and a public record of every word added, subtracted, or changed. This is a public act, and editors are identified publicly as the author of such changes. All contributions made to this project, and all publicly available information about those contributions, are irrevocably licensed and may be freely copied, quoted, reused and adapted by third parties with few restrictions.

Activities on translatewiki.net

Na splošno ta pravilnik velja samo za zasebne podatke, ki jih translatewiki.net hrani ali ima in niso javno dostopni.

Interactions with translatewiki.net not covered by this Policy include, but are not limited to, aspects of browsing and editing pages, use of the wiki "email user" function. These interactions may reveal a contributor's IP address, and possibly other personal information, indiscriminately to the general public, or to specific groups of volunteers acting independently of translatewiki.net.

Users may also interact with one another outside of translatewiki.net, via email, IRC or other chat, or independent websites, and should assess the risks involved, and their personal need for privacy, before using these methods of communication.

User accounts and authorship

Translatewiki.net zahteva, da se urejevalci na njegovem spletnem mestu registrirajo, čeprav je nekatere strani mogoče urejati brez prijave z uporabniškim imenom, pri čemer bodo zapisani z omrežnim IP-naslovom. Uporabniki, ki se registrirajo, se identificirajo z izbranim uporabniškim imenom. Uporabniki izberejo geslo, ki je zaupno in se uporablja za preverjanje integritete njihovega računa. Nobena oseba ne sme razkriti ali zavestno razkriti uporabniških gesel in/ali piškotkov, ustvarjenih za identifikacijo uporabnikov, razen če to zahteva zakon. Ko so uporabniški računi enkrat ustvarjeni, ne bodo odstranjeni, razen v primeru očitne zlonamernosti, o čemer bo presodilo osebje translatewiki.net. Uporabniško ime je morda mogoče spremeniti. Translatewiki.net ne jamči, da bo zahtevek za spremembo uporabniškega imena izpolnjen.

Purpose of the collection of private information

translatewiki.net limits the collection of personally identifiable user data to purposes which serve the well-being of its projects, including but not limited to the following:

To enhance the public accountability of the project. translatewiki.net recognizes that any system that is open enough to allow the greatest possible participation of the general public will also be vulnerable to certain kinds of abuse and counterproductive behavior. translatewiki.net has established a number of mechanisms to prevent or remedy abusive activities. For example, when investigating abuse on the project, including the suspected use of malicious “sockpuppets” (duplicate accounts), vandalism, harassment of other users, or disruptive behavior, the IP addresses of users (derived either from those logs or from records in the database) may be used to identify the source(s) of the abusive behavior. This information may be shared by users with administrative authority who are charged with protecting the projects.

To provide site statistics. translatewiki.net statistically samples raw log data from users' visits. These logs are used to produce site statistics pages; the raw log data is not made public.

To solve technical problems. Log data may be examined by developers in the course of solving technical problems and in tracking down badly-behaved web spiders that overwhelm the site.

translatewiki.net may load resources like JavaScript from external servers, which might affect user privacy (for example Google Adwords or translation hints). It is up to the user to mitigate exposing unwanted details because of loading resources from external servers.

Details of data retention

General expectations

IP address and other technical information

When a visitor requests or reads a page, no more information is collected than is typically collected by web sites. translatewiki.net may keep raw logs of such transactions, but these will not be published.

When a page is edited by a logged-in editor, the server confidentially stores related IP address information for a limited period of time. This information is automatically deleted after a set period. For editors who do not log in, the IP address used is publicly and permanently credited as the author of the edit. It may be possible for a third party to identify the author from this IP address in conjunction with other information available. Logging in with a registered username allows for better preservation of privacy.


The site sets a temporary session cookie on a visitor's computer whenever a page is visited. Readers who do not intend to log in or edit may deny this cookie; it will be deleted at the end of the browser's session. More cookies may be set when one logs in to maintain logged-in status. If one saves a user name or password in one's browser, that information will be saved for up to 30 days, and this information will be resent to the server on every visit to this project. Contributors using a public machine who do not wish to show their username to future users of the machine should clear these cookies after use.

Zgodovina strani

Edits or other contributions to the project on translations, user pages, talk pages and other pages are generally retained forever. Removing text from the project does not permanently delete it. Normally anyone can look at a previous version of a page and see what was there. Even if an article is "deleted", a user entrusted with higher level of access may still see what was removed from public view. Information can be permanently deleted by individuals with access to translatewiki.net, but aside from the rare circumstance when translatewiki.net is required to delete editing-history material in response to a court order or equivalent legal process, there is no guarantee any permanent deletion will happen.

Uporabniški prispevek

User contributions are also aggregated and publicly available. User contributions are aggregated according to their registration and login status. Data on user contributions, such as the times at which users edited and the number of edits they have made, are publicly available via user contributions lists, and in aggregated forms published by other users.

Branje projektov

No more information on users and other visitors reading pages is collected than is typically collected in server logs by web sites. Aside from the above raw log data collected for general purposes, page visits do not expose a visitor's identity publicly. Sampled raw log data may include the IP address of any user, but it is not reproduced publicly.

Urejanje projektov

Edits to pages are identified with the username or network IP address of the editor, and editing history is aggregated by author in a contribution list. Such information will be available permanently.

Prijavljeni registrirani uporabniki:

Logged in users do not expose their IP address to the public except in cases of abuse, including vandalism of a wiki page by the user or by another user with the same IP address. A user's IP address is stored on the translatewiki.net servers for a period of time, and can be seen by server administrators and by users who have been granted CheckUser access.

IP address information, and its connection to any usernames that share it, may be released under certain circumstances (see below).

Editors using a company mail server from home or telecommuting over a DSL or cable Internet connection, are likely to be easy to identify by their IP address; in which case it may be easy to cross-identify all contributions to the project made by that IP address. Using a username is a better way of preserving privacy in this situation.

Unlogged-in registered users and unregistered users:

Editors who have not logged in may be identified by network IP address. Depending on one's connection, this IP address may be traceable to a large Internet service provider or more specifically to a school, place of business or home. It may be possible to use this information in combination with other information, including editing style and preferences, to identify an author completely.


Na pogovornih straneh vikija:

Any editable page can theoretically be the location of a discussion. In general, discussions on translatewiki.net occur on user talk pages (associated with particular users), on supported project talk pages (associated with particular supported projects) or in pages specially designated to function as forums (e.g., the Support page). Privacy expectations apply to discussion pages in the same way as they do elsewhere.

Prek e-pošte:
Uporabniki pri registraciji niso dolžni navesti e-poštnega naslova. Uporabniki, ki navedejo veljaven e-poštni naslov, lahko drugim prijavljenim uporabnikom omogočijo, da jim iz vikija pošiljajo e-pošto. Ko bodo v tem sistemu prejeli e-pošto drugih uporabnikov, njihov e-poštni naslov ne bo razkrit. Naslov bo razkrit, ko bodo e-pošto poslali drugim uporabnikom.
E-poštni naslov, vpisan v uporabniških nastavitvah, se na spletnem mestu translatewiki.net uporablja za komunikacijo. Uporabniki, katerih računi nimajo vpisanega veljavnega e-poštnega naslova, ne morejo ponastaviti svojega prijavnega gesla, če ga izgubijo. V takem primeru se lahko obrnejo na enega od strežniških administratorjev spletnega mesta translatewiki.net in vpišejo nov e-poštni naslov. Uporabniki lahko vpisani e-poštni naslov kadar koli izbrišejo iz nastavitev. Zasebno dopisovanje med uporabniki se lahko shrani na željo udeleženih uporabnikov in ni predmet politike spletišča translatewiki.net


IRC channels are not officially part of translatewiki.net and are not operated on translatewiki.net controlled servers. The IP address of users who chat over such a service may be exposed to other participants. IRC users' privacy on each channel can only be protected according to the policies of the respective service and channel. Different channels have different policies on whether logs may be published.

Access to and release of personally identifiable information


The project is primarily run by volunteer contributors. Some dedicated users are given privileged access. For example, user access levels to translatewiki.net are determined by the user's presence in various "supported projects". User group rights and group members are public.

Other users who may have access to private identifiable information include, but are not limited to, users who have access to the CheckUser function, translatewiki.net employees, appointees, and contractors and agents employed by translatewiki.net operators, and developers and others with high levels of server access.

Sharing information with other privileged users is not considered "distribution."

Release: Policy on Release of Data

It is the policy of translatewiki.net that personally identifiable data collected in the server logs, or through records in the database via the CheckUser feature, or through other non-publicly-available methods, may be released by translatewiki.net volunteers or staff, in any of the following situations:

In response to a valid subpoena or other compulsory request from law enforcement,

With permission of the affected user,

When necessary for investigation of abuse complaints,

Where the information pertains to page views generated by a spider or bot and its dissemination is necessary to illustrate or resolve technical issues,

Where the user has been vandalizing pages or persistently behaving in a disruptive way, data may be released to a service provider, carrier, or other third-party entity to assist in the targeting of IP blocks, or to assist in the formulation of a complaint to relevant Internet Service Providers,

Where it is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of translatewiki.net, its users or the public.

Except as described above, translatewiki.net policy does not permit distribution of personally identifiable information under any circumstances.

Third-party access and notifying registered users when receiving legal process:

As a general principle, the access to, and retention of, personally identifiable data in all projects should be minimal and should be used only internally to serve the well-being of the project. Occasionally, however, translatewiki.net may receive a subpoena or other compulsory request from a law-enforcement agency or a court or equivalent government body that requests the disclosure of information about a registered user, and may be compelled by law to comply with the request. In the event of such a legally compulsory request, translatewiki.net will attempt to notify the affected user within three business days after the arrival of such subpoena by sending a notice by email to the email address (if any) that the affected user has listed in his or her user preferences.

translatewiki.net cannot advise a user receiving such a notification regarding the law or an appropriate response to a subpoena. translatewiki.net does note, however, that such users may have the legal right to resist or limit that information in court by filing a motion to quash the subpoena. Users who wish to oppose a subpoena or other compulsory request should seek legal advice concerning applicable rights and procedures that may be available.

If translatewiki.net receives a court-filed motion to quash or otherwise limit the subpoena as a result of action by a user or their lawyer, translatewiki.net will not disclose the requested information until translatewiki.net receives an order from the court to do so.

Registriranim uporabnikom ni treba nujno navesti e-poštnega naslova. Vendar pa v primeru, da registrirani uporabnik e-poštnega naslova ne navede, translatewiki.net uporabnika ne bo mogel z zasebnim e-pismom obvestiti, če bo prejel sodni nalog, da razkrije podatke o uporabniku.

Zavrnitev odgovornosti

translatewiki.net believes that maintaining and preserving the privacy of user data is an important value. This Privacy Policy and actions by translatewiki.net, represents a committed effort to safeguard the security of the limited user information that is collected and retained on our servers. Nevertheless, translatewiki.net cannot guarantee that user information will remain private. We acknowledge that, in spite of our committed effort to protect private user information, determined individuals may still develop data-mining and other methods to uncover such information and disclose it. For this reason, translatewiki.net can make no guarantee against unauthorized access to information provided in the course of participating in translatewiki.net projects or related communities.

In cases of conflicting information between a translated version of this page and the original version in the English language, the English version will take precedence over the translated version.