Translating talk:WikimediaMobile
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Good evening, I wanted to ask what I can do or what can be done about the problem that I now explain: We have translated the Commons application into the Venetian language (vèneto - vec), but the version in our language is not available by going to the appropriate setting at the inside the app. What can be done? We have translated everything 100% with the utmost precision. Thank you in advance for reading! I await a courteous response. Good evening and good job!!
I reported the issue at Would you mind adding a comment there? In particular, please say whether the problem still exists or not. Thanks! :-)
What does "issues" mean in this context?
Hello! "Issues" refers to articles that use the multiple issues template. For example, board games. I don't think this template has been localized for Ripoarisch yet.
Please document which server, and under which circumstances this message may occur. Repeating the message text in place of a documentation is plain useless.
Duplicated with Thread:Support/About Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-error response malformed/ksh
Please document which server, and under which circumstances this message may occur. Repeating the message text in place of a documentation is plain useless.
How should I deal with translations requiring different forms based on the number? In Czech, the word following a numeral takes one form after 2-4 and another after 5 and above.
Currently we don't support plural forms in iOS -- but there is a mechanism and we hope to add support for it soon. For now, use whatever horrible generic fixed form you would use when the appropriate value can't be selected. (Generally this label won't get used on phones set to Czech, so double-check if the meters form has the same problem...)
Next what?
- Next page?; or
- Next time?; or
- Next section of existing page?; or others?
OK I've housekept, title already hinted me.
Sorry, the title of the string is unfortunately a bit misleading. But the qqq is good. This is a special section the mobile apps add at the end to offer suggested articles to read next.
Can we use the Arabic logo for Wikipedia?
I still don't understand this question... how would we know? :) Do you mean the wordmark? If the logo, where is it set?
Yes, you can use the Arabic logo/wordmark for Wikipedia here. (Like it was done for the English version you can add some basic HTML tags to make the first and last character bigger, but that probably doesn't pertain to the Arabic wordmark.)
This is meant to be the same as the first line of text on
"UNable" → "Unable"
Btw. Wanting to quickly fix this myself I tried to find out where in the source code the typo is, in vain. Is there an easy way to determine this - other than guessing from various circumstances?
That does not lead me to a command downloading the source from git/gerrit. :-( Thus I am still unable to fix it.
If you want to add a patch for the iOS app clone this repo from Gerrit:
What does "illegal" meant? Not allowed because it's the name of an account that is banned? Not allowed because it's got an invalid character? Not allowed because it contains a naughty word?
@Wikipedia seems the Twitter account of Wikipedia. If so, will this string come right beginning of tweets? I tried translating this as:
- @Wikipedia の記事「$1」
But if it comes at the beginning of a tweet, the tweet should be displayed only to followers of @Wikipedia. To avoid this, I'd better including a trick like:
- .@Wikipedia の記事「$1」
But that would be customisation, rather than translation, so it's forbidden (see Localisation guidelines). YOu make a good point, though: can you please report the issue so that it's addressed for everyone?
Thanks Nemo for following up. Now it's on a Phabricator's task.
Requesting context
This message was added by YuviPanda in Change-Id: Ia95255309eee5fdab2040f4dc9aba76e0f9715e2 on 29 January 2014, and it was originally used in the file wikipedia/res/layout/activity_edit_section.xml
, but it was removed by Dmitry Brant in Change-Id: Ieabd035fec22c80886e17871e83794e7576b8222, committed on 8 July 2014. So as far as I'm able to tell, this string was left in the app's strings.xml file by accident and isn't actually used anywhere and should be removed.
Removing the string resource:
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- Closed support requests for Wikimedia
- Closed support requests for Wikimedia
- Open support requests for Wikimedia
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for Wikimedia
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Open support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile
- Closed support requests for WikimediaMobile