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[[Special:PrefixIndex/MediaWiki:Sp-translate-data-]] incomplete?

I have looked for the files for cy MediaWiki:Sp-translate-data-MagicWords/cy and MediaWiki:Sp-translate-data-Namespaces/cy in the category Special:PrefixIndex/MediaWiki:Sp-translate-data-. The files themselves don't appear to exist, although some Magic Words and the namespaces were localised to cy a long time ago. Why would this be?

Lloffiwr (talk)17:15, 17 August 2013

I have created them. You can edit them with using Special:AdvancedTranslate.

Shirayuki (talk)21:38, 17 August 2013

Thank you for creating these files. Still, I would like to know why these files exist in some languages and not in others. The reason I ask is that we have been advised to follow changes to these files in this thread. But we can't follow changes if the file doesn't exist and we don't know how to create it.

Also, if no changes have yet been requested to any of the special:translate items in a particular language, then how can we watchlist a not-yet-started file in order to review any changes requested by someone else?

Lloffiwr (talk)15:40, 18 August 2013

Had those aliases ever been translated here on translatewiki.net?

Nemo (talk)09:28, 1 September 2013

I don't remember whether I, or anyone else, requested any changes to cy magic words or namespaces via translatewiki.net. Most of them would have been set up before translatewiki.net was working. I think I remember requesting an amendment to the magic word for #REDIRECT via Special:AdvancedTranslate; that would have been not long after I started localising here in 2007.

Lloffiwr (talk)21:14, 16 September 2013

Consider those pages temporary. The actual data exists in the localisation files.

Nike (talk)02:28, 19 September 2013