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Babel user information
frp-4 Cet’utilisator at des cognessences prôches de la lengoua matèrnâla en arpetan.
fr-4 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances proches de la langue maternelle en français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
This user participated in a
Translation Rally twice!
This user helps translating pywikibot.
This user helps translating Kiwix.
This user helps translating FUDforum.
This user helps translating MediaWiki.
This user has made at least 25 000 contributions.
Users by language

Adiô ! I am an administrator & a bureaucrat of the Arpitan Wikipedia. I would like to help with the Arpitan translation of the wiki interface.



The Sitename for the Arpitan Wikipedia should be:




'frp' => 'Arpitan', # Franco-Provençal/Arpitan


'frp' => 'Arpetan', # Franco-Provençal/Arpitan

Localizations for MessagesFrp.php

/** Franco-Provençal/Arpitan (Arpetan)
  * @addtogroup Language

$fallback = 'fr';

$skinNames = array(
    'standard'    => 'Standârd',
    'nostalgia'   => 'Encrêt',
    'cologneblue' => 'Cologne Blu',
    'chick'       => 'Pugin',
    'simple'      => 'Simplo'

$bookstoreList = array(
    'Amazon.fr'    => 'http://www.amazon.fr/exec/obidos/ISBN=$1',
    'alapage.fr'   => 'http://www.alapage.com/mx/?tp=F&type=101&l_isbn=$1&donnee_appel=ALASQ&devise=&',
    'fnac.com'     => 'http://www3.fnac.com/advanced/book.do?isbn=$1',
    'chapitre.com' => 'http://www.chapitre.com/frame_rec.asp?isbn=$1',

$namespaceNames = array(
    NS_MEDIA          => 'Mèdiâ',
    NS_SPECIAL        => 'Spèciâl',
    NS_MAIN           => '',
    NS_TALK           => 'Discutar',
    NS_USER           => 'Utilisator',
    NS_USER_TALK      => 'Discussion_Utilisator',
    # NS_PROJECT set by $wgMetaNamespace
    NS_PROJECT_TALK   => 'Discussion_$1',
    NS_IMAGE          => 'Émâge',
    NS_IMAGE_TALK     => 'Discussion_Émâge',
    NS_MEDIAWIKI      => 'MediaWiki',
    NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'Discussion_MediaWiki',
    NS_TEMPLATE       => 'Modèlo',
    NS_TEMPLATE_TALK  => 'Discussion_Modèlo',
    NS_HELP           => 'Éde',
    NS_HELP_TALK      => 'Discussion_Éde',
    NS_CATEGORY       => 'Catègoria',
    NS_CATEGORY_TALK  => 'Discussion_Catègoria'

$linkTrail = '/^([a-zàâçéèêîœôû·’æäåāăëēïīòöōùü‘]+)(.*)$/sDu';

$dateFormats = array(
    'mdy time' => 'H:i',
    'mdy date' => 'F j, Y',
    'mdy both' => 'F j, Y "a" H:i',

    'dmy time' => 'H:i',
    'dmy date' => 'j F Y',
    'dmy both' => 'j F Y "a" H:i',

    'ymd time' => 'H:i',
    'ymd date' => 'Y F j',
    'ymd both' => 'Y F j "a" H:i',

$separatorTransformTable = array( ',' => "\xc2\xa0", '.' => ',' );