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Translating talk:MathJax/LiquidThreads

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This page contains archived discussions using the Liquid Threads extension. You can still participate in existing conversations, but you should start new conversations using the new discussion tools on the main talk page.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
About MathJax:Mathmenu-SwitchAnyway/el110:16, 24 March 2022
About MathJax:Htmlcss-CantFindFontUsing/ksh111:49, 17 August 2017
About MathJax:Mathml-CantCreateXMLParser/sv310:55, 14 July 2014
About MathJax:Tex-MaxMacroSub2/sv108:56, 14 July 2014
About MathJax:Htmlcss-CantLoadWebFont/en023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Mathmenu-eotffonts/en023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Mathmenu-genericfonts/en023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Mathmenu-BadURL/en023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Mathmenu-wofforotffonts/nl023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Mathmenu-PercentScale/en023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Mathmenu-svgfonts/en023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Mathmenu-TeXCommands/en023:04, 17 November 2013
About MathJax:Tex-MissingLeftExtraRight/en212:30, 14 October 2013
MathJax612:31, 14 October 2013
About MathJax message documentations307:03, 4 October 2013

Are OK and CANCEL translated in the user interface?

Vivi-riga (talk)08:14, 24 March 2022

Good catch: there's no message defined directly for them in the Mathjax project (and you cannot assume the existence in any other Mediawiki-based project; Mathjax is independant of Mediawiki).

But anyway if they existed, it would require change in code to use replacement variables.

So the best thing is still to translated these two common action buttons (hoping that the effective UI uses the common translated labels for these common buttons used in most dialog panels and "alert" boxes).

Verdy p (talk)10:16, 24 March 2022
Purodha Blissenbach (talk)03:09, 8 June 2015


Sorry for the long delay. I only just got an email alert about this on Monday.

I don't think we need to worry about plural support here. The message points to a single array, not it's content.

Thanks for your help in translating! (Und dann auch noch Kölsch! Da lacht mein rheinisches Herz.)


Pkra (talk)08:18, 4 September 2015

This seems to be pretty browser specific. Some documentation about which browser is considered would help translating the instructions.

Lokal Profil (talk)10:46, 27 June 2014
Lokal Profil (talk)11:49, 27 June 2014

Yes, those are IE specific. I'm guessing you're thinking about the 'Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting' part? We tried to find Microsoft documentation on the Windows localization for that string but without luck. If there's a suggestion for a better wording, we'd appreciate hearing about it on Github https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax-i18n/.

Pkra (talk)09:04, 14 July 2014

Thanks for the clarification. For now I'll at least add add this to the documentation strings

If it is specific to a certain version of IE then please also add the number to the documentation.

Lokal Profil (talk)10:55, 14 July 2014

Original message should use "LaTeX" not "latex".

Lokal Profil (talk)12:55, 27 June 2014

Thanks for fixing this via GitHub!

Pkra (talk)08:56, 14 July 2014

Error messages should usually have correct punctuation. That's missing here, and possibly elsewhere in the extension.

Siebrand23:12, 7 October 2013

EOT should be in caps.

Siebrand23:15, 7 October 2013

Unicode should have capital.

Siebrand23:19, 7 October 2013

Has double space, JavaScript has incorrect capitalisation twice. Also appears to be missing punctuation.

Siebrand23:20, 7 October 2013

WOFF and OTF should be all caps.

Siebrand23:22, 7 October 2013

Just make this ", for example 120%."? Add punctuation, too...

Siebrand23:25, 7 October 2013

SVG should be all caps.

Siebrand23:25, 7 October 2013

Commands all lower case?

Siebrand23:26, 7 October 2013

Can we put HTML tag here? For example on hebrew translation lrm [a hidden character] is used in order to make move slash to the right place but I suggest using <span dir="ltr" style="unicode-bidi: embed;"> because we should prevent using lrm/rlm in HTML as far as possible per standards.

ebraminiotalk07:11, 27 September 2013

Good question. I don't think we thought enough about bidi. I'll raise this on the MathJax end.

Pkra (talk)18:20, 8 October 2013

What does „mathematic“ exactly mean?

\m/etalhead 09:33, 23 September 2013


Nike (talk)06:36, 24 September 2013

I've translated that term with „content“.

\m/etalhead 12:02, 24 September 2013

In MathJax, "mathematics" seems to be same as "math", "equation", and "formula".

Shirayuki (talk)11:45, 25 September 2013

That's correct. "mathematics" is often used as a generic term for mathematical content.

Pkra (talk)18:11, 8 October 2013

About MathJax message documentations

All messages have message-documentations (qqq) in the repository.

But some of message-documentations (qqq) have not been imported here. e.g. Fontwarnings-fonts (“MathJax can use either the [STIX fonts]($1) or the [MathJax TeX fonts]($2). Download and install one of those fonts to improve your MathJax experience.”)

Shirayuki (talk)22:29, 23 September 2013

I'll have a look tomorrow

Nike (talk)05:50, 24 September 2013

This has been fixed as far as I know.

Nike (talk)21:39, 30 September 2013

I think so, too. Thanks.

Shirayuki (talk)23:48, 30 September 2013