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[[User:Fitoschido]] behavior

I suggest talking with other Spanish language translators, and if they make conclusion that that user's certain translation(s) he/she does not "allow to touch" are really incorrect – try to talk them, "finalize" why they are incorrect and try again to correct them – and if that user still does not accept those correct and explained translations, use block on that user for certain periods of time, or indefinitely if still refuses to change (I hope blocking users here is possible same or similar as on Wikipedia).

PS After I posted this answer here, I got notification about New message; this should be fixed so that after user A posts something, user A does not get notification about new comment on some thread. Also, publishing changes when making new post still triggers "Do you want to leave this site, Changes you made may not be saved"...

Obsuser (talk)14:39, 5 November 2017

We use Liquid Threads here for discussion. It is no longer maintained. I am exploring the possibility to move to Flow, which is still maintained. But it won't be easy and migration is likely to be disruptive to some extend so it is not going to happen very soon.

Nike (talk)11:33, 7 November 2017

Note: I vote strongly support to migration, because since October, nearly all of my actions are stucked by a huge, huge and huge number of CSRF token errors. Do not say some "wrong from HHVM", HHVM doesn't result any wrong, the only wrong is from LQT which is too hard to uninstall.

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)15:27, 7 November 2017