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Translation for new language

We see Livvin-Karjalan in Supported_languages, but we can not choose it by searching language.

Denö (talk)19:38, 26 August 2015


Mjbmr (talk)20:24, 26 August 2015

Oh! Are you refering to Special:SupportedLanguages? it's only to show whether a language is supported or not, with the list of translators of that language, see Special:SupportedLanguages/olo. To translate in this language see Special:LanguageStats/olo, to choose this language as your prefered language go to Special:Preferences.

Mjbmr (talk)20:29, 26 August 2015

We not find olo/LivvinKarjalan in "Language Choose".

Denö (talk)05:40, 27 August 2015

Please contact User:Amire80, he prevented me to add olo to ULS.

Mjbmr (talk)19:06, 7 September 2015

(People interested in seeing what actually happened can check gerrit:235139.)

Nemo (talk)19:15, 7 September 2015

of course, if they are intrested

Mjbmr (talk)19:19, 7 September 2015