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Translating WMDE's attribution generator

That's a pity, as 4 of the 5 file are html files. Any workaround for that?

We fulfil the usual requirements, as it is in our highest interest to have the tool translate. Message documentation for contextual information will be provided, of course.

Cornelius Kibelka (WMDE) (talk)11:13, 25 May 2016

Can't you convert them to a set of .json files (or .po+.mo if you don't like json)?

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)11:27, 25 May 2016

Well, the idea of all this was to make the re-import as easy as possible.

Cornelius Kibelka (WMDE) (talk)11:40, 25 May 2016

There are tools that can be integrated in the build process to extract Gettet pot files (maybe json as well, I haven't researched) and rebuild the translated html files.

One idea is to forgo having the html files as primary format and use some templating system or static file generator system to generate the html files from the json files. Something like this would be easy to write for a programmer as well.

Alternatively you could write a FileFormatSupport class for your HTML format, but I am afraid it wouldn't be very re-usable and would have maintenance costs.

Nike (talk)14:19, 27 May 2016

Cornelius, did you find some library suitable for your needs to load the (translated) text from files?

Nemo (talk)15:42, 20 May 2017