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Semantic Results Formats Extension has no separate group

Semantic Results Formats Extension has no separate group

I found a few bad translations when using it in my wiki but I cannot properly proofread it if it has no group of its own. I believe message names begin with "MediaWiki:Srf ..." (see search). Can you please gather all messages in one place? Thanks!

Protnet (talk)07:42, 31 January 2013

Semantic Result Formats messages are currently not available for translation.

Nike (talk)11:13, 31 January 2013

But they are! Look at these messages. They do exist. They just don't have a proper group under MediaWiki extensions. So they are being translated as general MediaWIki messages by users who do not fully understand their context, hence the poor translations. So it's only a matter of someone creating the group.

On the other hand I guess I could directly edit the SemanticResultFormats.i18n.magic.php file and send it to developers (as I have already done for some other semantic extension) but I don't want to bypass the translating community (even though I think I am the only Greek translator who uses and is interested in semantic extensions). And I am not sure if there is a reverse way for the messages to update, i.e. I don't know if translatewiki.net messages update back from git. Can you enlighten me on this too? Thanks!

Protnet (talk)13:09, 31 January 2013

They used to be here, but have been disabled.[1] They may be re-enabled if SRF dev cared to fix the i18n issues which forced the disabling.

Nemo (talk)13:33, 31 January 2013

Thanks! I will talk to Yaron then!

Protnet (talk)13:54, 31 January 2013