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Enhanced translation editor

This happens for me in various versions of Firefox (from 3.6.9 to latest 9) on windows XP (I tried two different XP computers, both showed same behavior)

Praveenp (talk)11:15, 5 January 2012

Always or just some of time?

Nike (talk)18:29, 5 January 2012

This always happens to me too. I also tested with Ubuntu 11.10 and the latest versions of Epiphany, Firefox and Chrome which show the same result. Chrome and Safary on XP are not a good match either.

[[kgh]] (talk)22:49, 5 January 2012

Always If I am using firefox, or Chrome (v 16)

Praveenp (talk)05:38, 6 January 2012

Can you clear your caches and report if it still happens?

Nike (talk)13:16, 6 January 2012

Cool, works now for me on Fx and Ch on NT 5.1

[[kgh]] (talk)14:37, 6 January 2012

Problem gone. Thank you for fixing :) But there is some other problem. Some message doesn't show "message definition" (original message), "message in other language", "suggestion" etc in the popup window. I saw this on "centralauth", "mwe-upwiz" groups. (screenshot)

Praveenp (talk)07:12, 7 January 2012

You can check the source code of that dialog to see HTML comments explaining why they are not shown.

Nike (talk)10:36, 7 January 2012

I've filed bugzilla:33647 per Nike's request.

Nemo (talk)21:17, 10 January 2012

Thank you. The problem is here again. Something must have happened during the last 1 1/2 hours. I was not happening back then.

[[kgh]] (talk)21:33, 10 January 2012

Please do check the source and post those comments.

Nike (talk)07:30, 11 January 2012

Normally it works as expected. But sometimes I get wrongly sized small dialog when adding additional parameters to query string like "&uselang=en" (eg). No comments in such cases.

about not displaying message properties: such messages give html comment like - <!-- Box translation-memory not available: message does not have definition -->. Still no clue.

Praveenp (talk)04:09, 12 January 2012