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Enhanced translation editor

Can you clear your caches and report if it still happens?

Nike (talk)13:16, 6 January 2012

Cool, works now for me on Fx and Ch on NT 5.1

[[kgh]] (talk)14:37, 6 January 2012

Problem gone. Thank you for fixing :) But there is some other problem. Some message doesn't show "message definition" (original message), "message in other language", "suggestion" etc in the popup window. I saw this on "centralauth", "mwe-upwiz" groups. (screenshot)

Praveenp (talk)07:12, 7 January 2012

You can check the source code of that dialog to see HTML comments explaining why they are not shown.

Nike (talk)10:36, 7 January 2012

I've filed bugzilla:33647 per Nike's request.

Nemo (talk)21:17, 10 January 2012

Thank you. The problem is here again. Something must have happened during the last 1 1/2 hours. I was not happening back then.

[[kgh]] (talk)21:33, 10 January 2012

Please do check the source and post those comments.

Nike (talk)07:30, 11 January 2012

Normally it works as expected. But sometimes I get wrongly sized small dialog when adding additional parameters to query string like "&uselang=en" (eg). No comments in such cases.

about not displaying message properties: such messages give html comment like - <!-- Box translation-memory not available: message does not have definition -->. Still no clue.

Praveenp (talk)04:09, 12 January 2012