Project:VisualEditor/2015 Translathon

Welcome to the 2nd edition of the VISUALEDITOR TRANSLATION SPRINT, online and at WIKIMANIA MEXICO CITY.
The translathon is now over. Thanks to all the participants! Your barnstars will be delivered ASAP. We also decided to give more prizes than announced. Congratulations to:
- User:HalanTul
- User:Janak Bhatta
- User:Renessaince
- User:TheEduGobi
- User:Vahe Gharakhanyan
- User:Warrakkk
I'll contact you soon via email about receiving your prize. --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 19:54, 4 August 2015 (UTC)
Join the sprint
- Online! Not in Mexico City? It doesn't matter. You can participate wherever you are.
- In Workplace 1 - Don Américo on July 16th at 4:00 p.m (CDT) at the conference venue. Join the Wikimedia Foundation's Community Liaisons for VisualEditor if you need help getting started with translations or would just like to spend time with other fellow translators!
- What
- This is an invitation to start or improve translations for VisualEditor-related messages into your language.
- Interface messages live at Please see to learn how to get started here. Please note: unified login won't work here, so you'll need to create a new, free account here if you don't have one yet. We strongly recommend doing so before the translathon begins, because the account needs to be manually approved.
- Documentation pages are available at Please see if you're not familiar with Extension:Translate.
- Resources (work in progress)
- Here is the list of the pages you can work on, ordered by priority (#1 = top priority):
- Interface messages on
- User guide on MediaWiki
- VE portal on MediaWiki
- Introduction to TemplateData
- Help about TemplateData
- VE as the main editor
- Special characters
- Citation tool
- Citoid/Enabling Citoid on your wiki

- How
- Participate
- Sign up in the Participants section below so that your contributions can be checked: you'll earn an "Interlingual Barnstar"! Top translators will also be mentioned in the next issue of the VisualEditor global newsletter, and the 3 most active ones may get a prize from the Wikimedia Store (a short-sleeve shirt, or other items for the same value). New translations (that is, those for messages available in the "Untranslated" tab of the translation program) and updated translations (those for messages available in the "Outdated" tab) will be counted.
- Click on any of the links above and start translating by clicking on the Translate to... dropdown link on the top right of the page. If you have created your account on recently, let us know: we may need to validate it.
- Please don't start early! Messages and pages are being updated and added and may change drastically before the translathon starts, and translations before then will not be counted towards the prize. :)
- Need help?
- See how to get started and the FAQ page on this wiki.
- Check the TranslationCentral on for details.
- Look for Elitre or Trizek on IRC (#wikimania, #mediawiki-visualeditor, #mediawiki-i18n ...).
- If you're in Mexico City, come and visit the Community Liaison table in the Community Engagement Department booth in the Community Village from Friday to Sunday.
- add language(s) you're translating to (in alphabetical order) and your name here! If you use a different username on and, please list both of them.
- Albanian - User:techlik
- Arabic - User:tarawneh
- Armenian - User:Vahe Gharakhanyan
- Assamese - Dibya Dutta (দিব্য দত্ত on
- Asturian - User:Xuacu
- Azerbaijani - User:Cekli829
- Bahasa Melayu - User:Karmadunya9- (karmadunya90 on
- Basque - User: Sator (User:Xabier Cañas on
- Belarusan (Taraškievica) - Renessaince
- Bengali - Aftabuzzaman, Hasive
- Brazilian Portuguese - User:Rodrigo Padula, User:TheEduGobi (Eduardogobi on & User:TheGabrielZaum (GSZaum on
- Breton - Ash Crow (talk)
- Catalan - User:F3RaN & User:Kippelboy & User:Arnaugir, User:Fitoschido
- Central Kurdish - Pirehelokan (talk) 20:13, 14 July 2015 (UTC)
- Doteli - User:Janak Bhatta, Ramesh Singh Bohara
- Dutch - Siebrand, Ad Huikeshoven
- Esperanto - Kvardek du desde Mexico
- Finnish - user:Stryn & User:McSalama
- French - User: Wladek92 & Ash Crow (talk) & Harmonia Amanda & hpetit
- Galician - User:Toliño
- Georgian - user:David1010
- German - Sebastian Wallroth (talk)
- Gujarati - Dhaval (ધવલ) (talk)
- Greek - User:Stam.nikos, Dead3y3 (talk)
- Hebrew - User: Gregra
- Hindi - User:Param Mudgal & User:Sid4translate, user:संजीव कुमार, user:आशीष भटनागर
- Hungarian - Kis Hajnalka
- Indonesian - User:Jadinegara, User:Kenrick95
- Italian - User:Fringio
- Japanese -- User:Takot - will be at Wikimania Mexico hackathon!
- Javanese - User:Jadinegara
- Kannada - User:pavanaja
- Lithuanian - User:Arturkozlov
- Luxembourgish -User:Robby
- Maithili - User:Tulsi Bhagat, User:बिप्लब आनन्द Bijay Chaurasia, User:njha61@ translatewiki
- Marathi - User:Sau6402 & User:Sid4translate
- Nepali - User:बिप्लब आनन्द, User:Tulsi Bhagat Bijay Chaurasia
- Norwegian bokmål - User:Kingu
- Oriya - User:Jnanaranjan Sahu (Jnanaranjan sahu on])
- Persian - user:MRG90, user:الناز, Darafsh
- Piemontèis - User:Dragonòt
- Polish - User:Notwist, Tar Lócesilion
- Portuguese - User:Vitorvicentevalente, User:MokaAkashiyaPT
- Punjabi - Satdeep Gill
- Ripuarian - Purodha Blissenbach (talk)
- Russian - User:Putnik
- Sakha - User:HalanTul
- Scots (for my sins) - User:Foxj
- Simplified Chinese - User:Imyzc
- Sinhala - User:පසිඳු_කාවින්ද & User:Dprabhath
- Slovenian - User:Pinky sl
- Slovak - User:Kusavica
- Spanish - Wilfredor, User:Fitoschido, MadriCR, Ryo567,, User:rafael.minuesa
- Swedish - User:Warrakkk
- Tagalog - User:Jewel457
- Tamil - User:Info-farmer
- Traditional Chinese - User:Cwlin0416, User:TaqPol
- Turkish - User:Incelemeelemani, user:rapsar
- Ukrainian - User:Piramidion, user:Ата
- Urdu - User:Muhammad Shuaib (user:محمد شعیب on]]
- Vietnamese - User:Anh88 @ translatewiki 06:05, July 16, 2015 (UTC)
- Yiddish - User:פוילישער@ translatewiki ; User:Redaktor @ mediawiki
- For interface messages at, we estimate the initiative affected 42 languages: the average progress in translations was 56.5% before the translathon, and 78.2% after (+21.7%). In particular,
- Sakha went from 12.2% to 94.2%;
- Brazilian Portuguese went from 50.6% to 100%;
- Taraškievica went from 44.9% to 85.3%;
- Doteli went from 1.3% to 41.2%.
- Also, while 1.7% of the messages was marked as outdated before the translathon, the percentage dropped to 0.8% after (-0,9%).
- For documentation messages at, we estimate the initiative affected 24 languages: the average progress in translations was 26.6% before translathon, and 46.9% after (+20.3%). Notable achievements for
- Armenian, which went from 1% to 99%;
- Swedish, from 21% to 99%;
- and Brazilian Portuguese, from 34% to 83%.
- Outdated translations were reduced from 8.4% before translathon to 4.8% after (-3,6%).
Graphs (interface messages only)
- Note that no impact was expected on the new users' count, while having reviewers and reviews for existing translations wasn't even a goal for this initiative.
- See also:
- Statistics for some single, core help pages
- Special:TranslationStats for graph-making
Community Liaisons would like to thank the staff at, User:Siebrand in particular, for their support! Translators are welcome at his Wikimania session, Wikimedia Translation Sprint scheduled for Friday 17th at 2:30pm in Room G.