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User talk:Seb35

From translatewiki.net

Welcome to Betawiki!

Hi Seb35. Welcome to Betawiki. Before you can use Special:Translate, please request translator rights at Betawiki:Translators. Please create a user page on which you describe which language(s) you will be working on.

Once you have started translating, please remember to often request a commit of your translation work at Translating:Tasks. This makes the number of changes easier to handle for the devs.

I wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Cheers! Siebrand 16:34, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for this welcome :-) Seb35 16:39, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

Discussions avec le groupe de traducteur francophone sur le portail

Bonjour, j'ai initié une discussion, souhaitant qu'elle évolue, et que ce lieu soit utilisé afin de faire évoluer au mieux les choses.Crochet.david 08:08, 28 March 2009 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
French fallback510:28, 31 December 2016
Feedback for new search translation features005:34, 15 July 2015

French fallback

Hello Seb35, can you help me clarify some language fallbacks in the French area? I opened a discussion on each of three languages, it would be great if you could write a message in French to the village pumps of the Wikimedia wikis in each of those languages (and maybe comment yourself):

Nemo (talk)14:38, 30 November 2016

I just sent a message on the WMFR mailing list dedicated to languages and I will write a message in the next days on the Wikipedia in Occitan, Basque, Breton, Nourmande, and Créole mauricien (mfe, Incubator).

~ Seb35 [^_^]21:47, 2 December 2016

By the way, I collected some statistics about languages in France and languages linked to the French language, for languages known by MediaWiki.


Languages in France (14):

  • [WP] [95%] Francique ripuaire ksh → de
  • [WP] [94%] Catalan ca → ∅
  • [WP] [87%] Alsacien gsw → de
  • [WP] [87%] Francoprovençal frp → fr
  • [WP] [83%] Occitan oc → ∅
  • [WP] [83%] Basque eu → ∅
  • [WP] [80%] Breton br → ∅
  • [WP] [41%] Wallon wa → fr
  • [WP] [14%] Corse co → it
  • [WP] [23%] Haïtien ht → fr
  • [WP] [18%] Picard pcd → fr
  • [WP] [ 3%] Flamand occidental vls → nl
  • [WP] [ 2%] Normand nrm (code non-officiel) → ∅
  • [WP] [ 2%] Tahitien ty → fr

Languages linked to the French language (9):

  • [WP] [79%] Malgache mg → fr
  •          [78%] Koyraboro senni ses → fr
  • [WP] [37%] Wolof wo → fr
  • [wp] [19%] Français cajun frc → fr
  • [WP] [12%] Lingala ln → fr
  • [wp] [11%] Créole mauricien mfe → ∅
  • [WP] [10%] Peul/fulfude ff → fr
  • [WP] [ 5%] Sango sg → fr
  • [WP] [ 4%] Bambara bm → fr
~ Seb35 [^_^]21:56, 2 December 2016

Thanks! Let me know when the notifications are done (I would also like to write to all translators individually; I can do myself if you prefer). As for statistics, we always need improvement to the CLDR data if available.

Nemo (talk)08:17, 5 December 2016

ping :) I would like to add these fallbacks in the next few days.

Nemo (talk)08:01, 28 December 2016

Sorry for my small responsiveness. I’ve added a further contribution on Nourmande to try to obtain some answer. Btw thanks for your work on the fallbacks.

~ Seb35 [^_^]10:28, 31 December 2016

Feedback for new search translation features


We have introduced new features in Search Translations. Please read about it in phabricator or test wiki. It would be really helpful if you could give us some feedback about the new features in Search Translations.

Thank you and we shall be waiting for your feedback.

Phoenix303 (talk)05:34, 15 July 2015