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User talk:Chrisportelli

From translatewiki.net


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Parser functions011:57, 6 November 2016
Qualified for translation rally 2015-05 but not yet claimed009:51, 29 May 2015
ContentTranslation021:12, 13 August 2014
Qualified for a translation rally but not yet claimed113:50, 15 September 2011
Plurals113:33, 25 September 2010

Parser functions

Please don't use parser functions which are not provided by core, or the messages will not work in a normal MediaWiki install. Spotted by phabricator:T142485.

Nemo (talk)11:57, 6 November 2016

Qualified for translation rally 2015-05 but not yet claimed

Hi. You qualify for a bounty in the 2015-05 translation rally. Thank you! You have however not yet made a bounty claim. If you would like to, please add a beneficiary and a timestamp (~~~~~) to your name at the correct place. Thanks again!

Siebrand09:51, 29 May 2015


Hi Chris!

Thanks a lot for the Maltese translation you are making.

My name is Amir and I am one of the developers of the ContentTranslation extension. We are currently testing it for translating from Spanish to Catalan with pretty good results, and we are considering Maltese as one of the next languages in which we shall want to test it.

To do that, a first simple thing to do is to translate this extension to Maltese here in translatewiki. Can you do that, please?


Amir E. Aharoni (talk)21:12, 13 August 2014

Qualified for a translation rally but not yet claimed

Hi. You qualify for a bounty in the 2011-09 translation rally. Thank you! You have however not yet made a bounty claim. If you would like to, please add a beneficiary and a timestamp (~~~~~) to your name at the correct place. Thanks again!

Siebrand16:13, 10 September 2011

Please check your e-mail. I need your payment details.

Siebrand13:50, 15 September 2011

Hi. This doesn't work. Not all wikis have #switch-function. If there is something wrong with the Maltese plural function, it should be fixed.

Nike13:26, 25 September 2010

Here's how the plural functions in Maltese:

  one: n is 1
  few: n is 0 or n mod 100 in 2..10
  many: n mod 100 in 11..19
  other: everything else

Nike13:31, 25 September 2010