Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Romanian version) - wikipedia:ro:User:Stelistcristi
Now is Sunday, March 9, 2025 and the time is 21:58 (GMT).
Hi, my name is Silaghi Cristian. I'm 19 years old and I translate free software into my native language, the Romanian language. :) I am currently involved in translating a software - Download Accelerator Plus (DAP). I have been involved even in others, but this was the most important :) ;)
My Yahoo! ID is stelistcristi, if you want to chat with me :D
You can find me on Skype, also. My Skype ID is: stelistcristi
This user helps translating NOCC.
This user helps translating FreeCol.
This user helped translating okawix.
This user helped translating wikia.