en-4 | This user has near native speaker knowledge of English. |
en-GB-4 | This user has near native speaker knowledge of British English. |
es-4 | Esta persona tiene un conocimiento casi nativo del español. |
es-419-4 | This user has near native speaker knowledge of español de América Latina. |
ia-3 | Iste usator ha cognoscentias avantiate de interlingua. |
pt-BR-3 | Este usuário pode contribuir com um nível avançado de português brasileiro. |
fi-3 | Tämä käyttäjä osaa suomea erinomaisesti. |
nb-3 | Denne brukeren har omfattende kjennskap til norsk bokmål. |
grc-3 | Ὅδε ὁ χρώμενος ἀνωτέραν γνῶσιν τῆς ἀρχαίας ἑλληνικῆς ἔχει. |
it-2 | Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio in italiano. |
la-2 | Hic usor lingua Latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest. |
it-2 | Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio in italiano. |
qu-1 | Kay ruraqqa Runa Simita aslla yachaywanmi riman. |
ru-1 | Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне. |
- [ia] interlingua
- Io es Nils Kangas e io es ingeniero de developpamento, con experientia de programmation a omne nivellos desde "assemblator" a meta-linguas. Un campo special es IHM (interfacie human-machina).
- Io ha usate plure linguas professionalmente in inseniamento, direction de projectos e scriptura de manuales e correspondentia etc, in Europa, America Latin, Africa e Asia.
- Io anque ha traducite documentos, litteratura e cantos pro uso public.
- Pro 6 del linguas io ha diplomas universitari, e alteres io ha appprendite per studios autodidactic quando io ha essite in le pais, e io ha 4 linguas native in mi familia, in uso constante. Cata septimana io usa al minus 8 linguas, e io servi : regularmente como interprete in eventos official, e inseniante de linguas.
- Io ha interesse in linguas como un intrumento pro communication effective e pro participar in le tresoros cultural. Isto es un ration pro "poner le focus" in interlingua, iste lingua belle.
- [en] English
- I am Nils Kangas and I am a development engineer, with programming experience at all levels from assembler to meta-languages. A special field is HMI (human-machine-interface).
- I have used several languages professionally in teaching, project management and writing manuals and correspondence etc, in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
- I also have translated documents, literature and songs for public use.
- For 6 of the languages I have university credits, and others I have learnt through self-studies while staying in the country, and I have 4 native languages in my family, in constant use. Every week I use at least 8 languages, and I serve regularly as an interpreter at official events, and a language teacher.
- I have an interest in languages as a tool for effective communication and to share the cultural treasures. This is one reason to focus on interlingua, this beautiful language.
- User sv
- User sv-N
- User en
- User en-4
- User en-GB
- User en-GB-4
- User es
- User es-4
- User es-419
- User es-419-4
- User ia
- User ia-3
- User de
- User de-3
- User fr
- User fr-3
- User pt
- User pt-3
- User pt-BR
- User pt-BR-3
- User fi
- User fi-3
- User nb
- User nb-3
- User grc
- User grc-3
- User it
- User it-2
- User el
- User el-2
- User la
- User la-2
- User da
- User da-2
- User he
- User he-2
- User ro
- User ro-1
- User ar
- User ar-1
- User fa
- User fa-1
- User sw
- User sw-1
- User qu
- User qu-1
- User th
- User th-1
- User ru
- User ru-1
- User ja
- User ja-1