ia -0
Iste usator ha nulle cognoscentia de interlingua (o lo comprende con difficultate considerabile).
Wikimedia projects
(check localisation requirements ) [ia:]
Consistentia in traduction
Un traduction de iste typo es sempre discutibile. Es necessari facer certe selectiones a proposito del traduction, e implementar los consistentemente. Io ha documentate le selectiones ja establite in iste pagina, a fin que altere personas pote facilemente participar in le effortio. Es ben possibile cambiar iste traductiones, sed es necessari cercar consenso inter le traductores active, e postea actualisar le lista in basso e implementar le nove traduction consistentemente in tote le messages.
Usa le forma informal (tu, te, tu), non le "plural formal" (vos, vos, vostre ).
Pro verbos in ligamines e buttones, usa le infinitivo (con -r).
Button: [Publicar articulo]
Ligamine: Retornar al pagina principal
Pro instructiones, p.ex. ante un campo de entrata, usa le imperativo (sin -r).
p.ex. Verifica le contrasigno: [____________]
Pro entratas in registros (logs), usa le passato simple, non le participio perfecte.
p.ex. renominava pagina , non: renominate pagina
Per favor lege tamben: Directivas de localisation
Isto es un lista de traductiones actualmente in uso pro parolas e conceptos pro le quales un altere traduction poterea esser equalmente valide, o cuje traductiones non es clarificate per consultar un dictionario standard.
about → (author/copyright/version info, etc.) a proposito (de)
account → conto
to add → adder
to answer → responder a
answer → responsa
unanswered → sin responsa
anti-aliasing → anti-aliasing
to append → adjunger
applet → applet, mini-application
appliance → apparato
array → matrice, vector, array (en , es /pt , it )
RAID array → array RAID, matrice RAID
aspect ratio → proportiones (del imagine), ration de aspecto
to attach → (to affix) attachar; (to add/include) annexar
attachment → attachamento, annexo
autocompletion → autocompletamento, completamento automatic
autoplay → reproduction automatic
back end → back-end, servitor, motor
background → fundo, secunde plano
background color → color de fundo
background task/process → processo in secunde plano
to backport → retroportar
backslash → barra oblique inverse, barra inverse, barra contra-oblique, contrabarra
backspace → backspace (en, it, ru), spatio retro
backtrace → retraciamento
back-up → copia de securitate, copia de reserva
to back up → facer un copia de securitate/reserva de
bad → incorrecte, invalide, mal
bandwidth → largor de banda
barcode → codice a barras
barnstar → medalia, stella
batch processing → tractamento per lotes
batch job → travalio per lotes
batch file → file de commandos, file de lot, file batch
benchmark → analyse comparative, evalutation comparative, test de rendimento, comparation, benchmark
bitmap → bitmap, mappa de bits, raster, matrice
bitmap font → characteres bitmap/raster, typo de litteras bitmap/raster
bitmap graphics → graphica bitmap, graphica raster, graphica matricial [1]
bitrate → taxa de bits (en , es /pt ); velocitate de transmission (it )
blank → in blanco, vacue
blank space → spatio in blanco, spatio vacue
to blank → vacuar
to unblank → replenar
to block → blocar
to unblock → disblocar
block → blocada
unblock → disblocada
blog → blog, jornal web
to blur → render vage, disfocalisar
blur effect → effecto de disfocalisation
body → texto, corpore
message body → texto del message
boilerplate → texto standard
bold → (typeface) grasse
bond → (device type) interfacie aggregate
bonding device → dispositivo aggregate
bookmarks → marcapaginas; (favorites) favoritos
boot, bootstrap → (operating system) boot (en, it , pt , de ), initio, lanceamento initial
to boot → 1. (tr.) initiar; 2. (intr.) initiar se
bootloader → cargator de initio
border → bordo
bot → robot
to bounce → (email) retrosaltar
bounce → (email) retrosalto, message retrosaltate, message non livrate
box → quadro
bounding box → (2D) rectangulo delimitator; (3D) cassa delimitator
checkbox → quadrato marcabile, quadrato de selection
combobox → lista combinate
brace → accollada
bracket → parenthese
curly bracket → accollada, parenthese crispe
square bracket → parenthese quadrate, parenthese recte
branching → (in revision control) ramification
breadcrumb trail → pista de paginas visitate
breakpoint → puncto de interruption
brightness → (attribute of light-source colors) brillantia; (relative quantity of light) luminositate
broadcast → diffusion
to browse → percurrer, explorar, navigar per
browser → navigator
buffer → buffer (en, es, pt, it, ru)
to buffer → cargar in buffer, precargar
bug → defecto, falta, error, bug
to debug → depurar; eliminar defectos/faltas/errores (in)
built-in → integrate, incorporate, interne
bundle → pacchetto, gruppo
message bundle → pacchetto de messages
to bundle → aggruppar
to burn → (CD/DVD) gravar
to bypass → contornar
bytecode → bytecode[2] , codice portabile, codice intermedie
cache → cache
cached page → pagina in cache
version recovered from cache → version recuperate del cache
to clear the cache → rader le cache
callback → appello de retorno
callback URL → URL de retorno
to cancel → cancellar
caption → 1. legenda; 2. subtitulo
closed captions → subtitulos
card → carta
SD card → carta SD
case sensitive → sensibile al majusculas, que distingue inter majusculas e minusculas
to match case → respectar majusculas e minusculas
this field is case sensitive → iste campo distingue inter majusculas e minusculas
changeset → gruppo de modificationes
character → character
character set → (p.ex. ASCII, UTF-8) codification de characteres
chat → chat (en ,it ,es /pt ,de ,ru ), conversation in directo
to chat → chattar, conversar in directo
chat channel → canal de chat
to check → 1. marcar, seliger; 2. verificar, controlar; 3. consultar, examinar, reguardar, vider
checkbox → quadrato de selection
checksum → summa de controlo
child → filio, infante
child process → processo filio
cipher (cypher) → cifra
cipher suite → suite de cifra
ciphertext → texto cifrate
chunk → segmento, fragmento, bloco (de datos)
chunking → segmentation, fragmentation, subdivision in blocos
to clear → rader, cancellar, expunger
to click → cliccar
click → clic
left-click → clic sinistre
right-click → clic dextre
to left-click → facer clic sinistre, cliccar con le button sinistre del mouse
to right-click → facer clic dextre, cliccar con le button dextre del mouse
clip → 1. (video clip) clip (de video); 2. retalio, extracto; 3. crampa
clipboard → area de transferentia [3]
cloud computing → cloud computing (en ,fr ,it ,de ), computation in nube
cloud service → servicio cloud, servicio in nube
cluster → racemo, gruppo
clustering → racemisation, aggruppamento
to collapse → contraher
collapsible frame → quadro contrahibile
combobox → (GUI widget) lista combinate
compatible → compatibile
backwards compatibile → retrocompatibile
compiler → compilator
cross-compiler → compilator cruciate
concurrency → parallelisation
to run concurrently with another job → executar se in parallelo con un altere travalio
concurrent operations → operationes parallel/simultanee
constraint → limitation, restriction
cookie → cookie
to count → contar
count → contator; numero
to copy → copiar
core → (n.) nucleo, centro; (adj.) central, essential
core dump: see dump
crash → crash (en , it , es ), collapso, fracassura, fallimento
to crash → collaber, fracassar se, faller
credentials → credentiales, datos de authentication
to crop → taliar
crop → retalio
multi-, trans-, inter-, cruciate
cryptanalysis → cryptanalyse
cryptography → cryptographia
cryptographic → cryptographic
crypto → (n.) cryptographia; (adj.) cryptographic
custom → personalisate, personal, proprie
to customize → personalisar, adaptar, adjustar, regular
customization → personalisation
customizable → personalisabile, adaptabile, adjustabile, regulabile
to cut → taliar
dash → lineetta
dashboard → tabuliero de instrumentos, pannello de instrumentos [4]
dataset → collection de datos, serie de datos, gruppo de datos, insimul de datos
daemon → demone, programma in secunde plano
to daemonize → lancear como demone, converter in demone, mitter in secunde plano, demonisar
to decrypt → decryptar (en , fr , it )
decryption → decryptation
default → (n.) predefinition, standard, pre-; (adj.) predefinite
default setting → parametro predefinite
by default → per predefinition
on by default → pre-activate
set the default locale → predefinir le region
revert to default → restaurar le valor(es)/configuration predefinite
to include something by default → includer/continer qualcosa como standard
to delete → deler
deletion → deletion
to undelete → restaurar
to deprecate → 1. declarar obsolescente; 2. depreciar, disapprobar
deprecated → 1. obsolescente, obsolete; 2. depreciate, disapprobate
desktop → scriptorio
device → apparato, dispositivo
to deploy → displicar, installar, distribuer, implementar, mitter in action
deployment → displicamento, installation, distribution, implementation
directory → directorio
current directory → directorio actual
to discard → discartar (en,es,it), abandonar, rejectar
to dismiss → 1. (dialog, notice, etc.) clauder; 2. ignorar, rejectar
dispatcher → repartitor
to display → presentar; visualisar; monstrar
display → 1. presentation, visualisation; 2. schermo
X display → schermo X
display parameters/settings → parametros de visualisation
done → (label on a button) preste
to downgrade → retrogradar, degradar
to download → discargar
download → (act of downloading) discargamento; (result of data transfer) file discargate
draft → version provisori, esbosso
draft article → articulo provisori, esbosso de articulo
draft revision → version provisori
drag and drop → traher e deponer
drilldown → reporto/vista detaliate
to drill down on/into → (ap)profundar in, detaliar
drive → unitate (de immagazinage in massa)
disk drive → unitate de disco
driver → driver (en,it,pt,de,ru), controlator, pilota
drop-down list → lista disrolante
dump → discarga, instantaneo, dump
to dump → crear un instantaneo (de), discargar
core dump → instantaneo del memoria (de un programma fallite), core dump
to edit → modificar
edit → modification
editor → contributor; autor; modificator; (in FlaggedRevs) redactor
email → (collective) posta electronic, e-mail; (individual) message electronic, message de e-mail
check your email → consulta/verifica/controla tu e-mail
see also: mail
to embed → incastrar, inserer, incorporar
an embedded image → un imagine incastrate
emoticon → emoticone
emulator → emulator (ia , en , fr , it , es /pt , de , ru )
terminal emulator → emulator de terminal
to enable → activar
to disable → disactivar
encipherment (encypherment) → ciframento
to encode → codificar
encoding → codification
to encrypt → cryptar (en , fr , it )
encryption → 1. (concrete operation) cryptation; 2. (notion, algorithm) cryptographia
encryption algorithm → algorithmo cryptographic
RSA encryption → cryptographia RSA
data encryption → cryptation de datos
end-to-end encryption → cryptation de puncta a puncta
endpoint → puncto final/terminal
end-to-end → de puncta a puncta, de extremo a extremo
engine → (instrument, mechanism) ingenio, (motor) motor
to enter → 1. (tr.) entrar, inserer, introducer; 2. (intr.) entrar in
entry (1. item in list, log; 2. input) → entrata
to escape → escappar
escape sequence → sequentia de escappamento
to escape a string with backslashes → escappar un catena de characteres con barras oblique inverse
to expand → expander
expander → (GUI widget) expansor
to expire → (lapse, become invalid) expirar, perimer
expired credentials → credentiales expirate
fallback → recurso, reserva, alternativa, methodo alternative
to fall back on → recurrer a
fallback language → lingua de reserva
FAQ → FAQ, folio a questiones[5]
feature → 1. characteristica; 2. (software) function; 3. (cartography) elemento; 4. (subdivision) section
features → (software) functionalitate, functiones
to feature → 1. mitter in evidentia; 2. includer, disponer de, offerer, presentar
featured → in evidentia, eminente
featured article → articulo eminente
feed → syndication, fluxo, canal
RSS feed → syndication/fluxo/canal RSS
feedback → evalutation, (annotation on a text) commentario, (criticism) commento
to fetch → recuperar, extraher
file → file
file system → systema de files
to file → deponer, presentar
to find → 1. (do a search) cercar; 2. (when search is done) trovar
find next → cercar sequente/proxime, continuar a cercar
find and replace → cercar e reimplaciar
firewall → parafoco, firewall (en , it , pt , de )
to fix → 1. corriger, remediar, reparar; 2. fixar
fix → correction, remedio, reparation
flag → 1. marca, signal, option; 2. bandiera
to flag → marcar, signalar
floating point → virgula flottante
floating point exception → fallimento de calculation con virgula flottante
flowchart → diagramma de fluxo, fluxogramma
flyout → menu emergente
folder → dossier
to follow up → sequer, continuar, prosequer, dar sequimento a; publicar un responsa
follow-up → sequimento, continuation; responsa public
font → typo de litteras
font style → stilo de litteras
footnote → nota a pede (de pagina), nota al pede (del pagina)
foreground → prime plano
foreground color → color de prime plano
foreground task/process → processo in prime plano
to fork → bifurcar
to format → formatar
forum → foro
to forward → reexpedir, reinviar
frame → 1. quadro; 2. (movie/animation) photogramma
framework → quadro, structura, framework[6]
front end → front-end, interfacie, cliente
gadget → accessorio
garbage → (wrong data) ruito, nonsenso, galimatias; (superfluous data) datos superflue; (abandoned data in memory) (blocos de) memoria abandonate
garbage collection → recuperation de memoria [7]
garbage collector → recuperator de memoria
garbage at the end of file → datos superflue al fin del file
gateway → passarella
graph → grapho
greedy → avide
greedy match → correspondentia/coincidentia/concordantia avide
grid → grillia
crop images to fit grid → taliar le imagines pro arrangiar los in un grillia
handle → pseudonymo, identificator
to handle → tractar, manear, gerer
handler → gestor [it, fr], handler [en, de], maneator [es], manipulator [pt]
handshake → handshake, negotiation initial (de un connexion)
harassment → molestias, assedio
hardware → hardware, dispositivos, apparatos
hash → 1. (math.) hash (en , es /pt , it , de , ru ); 2. (#) signo de numero, character de grillia
hashtag → hashtag
cryptographic hash function → function hash cryptographic
header → capite
heading → titulo de section
headless → sin interfacie graphic, distachate, autonome
run in headless mode → executar sin interfacie graphic, executar in modo distachate/autonome
heap → (data structure) cumulo
height → altitude
to hide → celar; (from view) occultar
to unhide → revelar, restaurar
to highlight → 1. evidentiar, mitter in evidentia, accentuar; 2. (select by dragging) marcar, seliger
highlighting → evidentiamento
syntax highlighting → coloration syntactic
to copy the highlighted text → copiar le texto marcate/seligite
hint → (indirect or summary suggestion) suggestion; (piece of advice) consilio
tips and hints → consilios e suggestiones
to hold → 1. tener; 2. suspender, postponer
on hold → suspendite, postponite
home → initio
home directory → directorio personal
home page → (of site) pagina initial; (of person) pagina personal
hook → hook[8] , uncino, puncto de ancorage, puncto de entrata, methodo de insertion
host → hospite, servitor
hosting → albergamento, allogiamento, hosting
hosting service → servicio hospite, servicio de albergamento/allogiamento/hosting
hotkey → clave accelerator
hotspot (wifi) → puncto de accesso
to hover → passar supra
tab hover effect → effecto visual quando le mouse passa supra schedas
hovercard → (personal info) carta de visita; (general) carta/quadro de summario
hub → centro, central; (network) concentrator
hue → (gradation of color) tinta
hyphen → tracto de union
soft hyphen → tracto de union conditional
icon → icone, pictogramma, symbolo graphic
iconify → iconificar, miniaturisar
Internet → Internet
illegal → invalide, non existente, non permittite, non autorisate
inbox → cassa de entrata
indent → (v.) indentar; (n.) indentation
infobox → quadro informative
inline → integrate, directe
input → entrata
to input → entrar, introducer, inserer
instant messaging → messageria instantanee
IP address → adresse IP
issue → problema, incidente
issue tracker → traciator de problemas/incidentes
to report an issue → signalar un problema, deponer un incidente
to open an issue → aperir un incidente
the issue is closed → le incidente es claudite/clause
the issue is resolved → le problema es resolvite
issuer → emissor
certificate issuer → emissor de certificato
item → elemento, entrata, objecto
job → travalio, action, processo
key → clave
bounce keys → (accessibility feature) claves saltante
keyboard → claviero
keyboard layout → disposition de claviero
keyboard shortcut → clave accelerator, clave de accesso directe
sticky keys → (accessibility feature) claves remanente
to kick → (remove from a chat channel) ejectar
to kill → terminar
know-how → saper-facer, competentia, habilitate
landscape → orientation horizontal
layer → strato
layout → disposition, schema
leaderboard → tabula de classamento
learn → apprender
learning → apprendimento
machine learning → apprendimento machinal/automatic
learn more → apprender plus; (as a link to more info) leger plus
legacy → adj. ancian, obsolescente, hereditate, legate
to leverage → 1. applicar, emplear, utilisar, prender/traher avantage de, profitar de; 2. relevar, succurrer, sustener, (with money) subsidiar
line break → salto de linea, ruptura de linea
library → bibliotheca
shared library → bibliotheca commun/condividite
sound library → phonotheca, sonotheca
static library → bibliotheca static
to link (to) → ligar (verso/a)
link (to) → ligamine (verso/a)
symlink → ligamine symbolic
hardlink → ligamine physic
linker → ligator, linker (en, it, de), editor de ligamines
list → lista
numbered list → lista a numeros
bulleted list → lista a punctos
ordered list → lista ordinate
unordered list → lista non ordinate
mailing list → lista de diffusion, lista de distribution, lista de discussion, lista de invio
locale → localitate, region, configuration regional, parametros regional
to locate → 1. localisar, cercar; 2. situar, placiar, collocar
location → 1. (a concrete place) loco, sito; 2. (a precisely defined location, e.g. using coordinates) position, localisation; 3. (determination of location) localisation
location information → information(es) de localisation
location permission → permission de acceder al localisation
location picker → selector de loco
location service → servicio de localisation
location settings → parametros de localisation
nearby locations → locos a proximitate
to record location → registrar le localisation
store your location with a photo → memorisar tu position/localisation con un photo
to lock → serrar, blocar, proteger
to unlock → disserrar, disblocar, disproteger
log → registro
to log → registrar
to log in → aperir session, authenticar se
to log out → clauder session
to be logged in → esser in session, esser authenticate
login → 1. apertura de session, authentication; 2. nomine de usator
lore → (know-how) secretos, conceptos, fundamentos; (body of custom) principios, tradition, cultura, historia
lossy → con perdita
mail → posta
mailing list → lista de distribution/diffusion; lista de discussion
see also: email
mailbox → cassa de litteras, cassa postal
main → principal
main page → pagina principal
to manage → gerer
management → gestion
map → carta (geographic), mappa
slippy map → carta glissante
to map → (establish relation) mappar
mapping → mappage, mappamento, mappatura
mark-up → notation, marcation
markup language → linguage de marcation
to match → 1. corresponder a, coincider con, concordar con; 2. coincider, esser identic, equivaler; 3. comparar; 4. identificar, trovar, cercar
match → 1. correspondentia, coincidentia, concordantia; 2. resultato (de recerca)
to match case → distinguer inter majusculas e minusculas
to match whole word(s) → cercar solmente parolas integre
the passwords don't match → le contrasignos non coincide
media → multimedia
media file → file multimedial
to merge → fusionar, integrar, combinar
to merge into → fusionar in, integrar in
merging → (in revision control) integration
middleware → middleware (en , es /pt , it , de )
mirror → mirror (en, it, de), speculo; replica
to download from an ftp mirror → discargar de un mirror/speculo ftp
to fall back to a database mirror → recurrer a un replica del base de datos
mirroring → replication
mock-up → maquette, prototypo, mock-up [en,fr,it,pt]
monitor → (output device) monitor (it , es , pt , de , ru )
to monitor → surveliar
mouse → (computer input device) mouse (it , es , pt ), mus
to mount → montar
to unmount → dismontar
mount point → puncto de montage
to move → 1. (page/article) renominar; 2. displaciar
multicast → multicast[9] , multidiffusion
multimedia → multimedia
multitasking → multitasking, multiprocesso, utilisation compartite
namespace → spatio de nomines
to nest → annidar (es/pt, it, (en))
nesting → annidamento
nested tags → etiquettas annidate
newline → nove linea, salto de linea
insert newline → inserer salto de linea
next → sequente, proxime
nickname → pseudonymo
nudge → pulsata
to nudge someone → dar un pulsata a un persona
object code → codice objecto [10]
offline → foras de linea, offline (en, it, de); disconnectite, non connectite, sin connexion
offset → offset (en , es , fr , it ), differentia, displaciamento, position
time offset → differentia horari
offset of list → position in lista
off-topic → foras del topico
onboarding → (of new users) orientation, initiation
online → in linea, online (en, it, de)
online help → adjuta in linea
on-topic→ sur le topico
operand → operando
operator → operator
outbox → cassa de exito
to outdent → disindentar
output → sortita
to output → facer sortir, scriber, producer, emitter, generar
outreach → 1. promotion, sensibilisation, divulgation, diffusion, projection exterior; 2. mobilisation, influentia; 3. appoio, assistentia; 4. orbita, portata; 5. communication, contacto, information
overflow → (v.) disbordar; (n.) disbordamento
to overlap → superponer se (a)
abuse may overlap with harrassment → le abuso pote superponer se al molestia
overlay → superposition
to overlay → superponer
to override → 1. (to disregard) ultrapassar, ignorar, annullar; 2. (to replace locally) supplantar, reimplaciar
x override → x personalisate (p.ex.: namespace overrides → spatios de nomines personalisate)
oversight → supervision
override list → lista de exceptiones
(person) → supervisor
overview → vista general, panorama, summario
to overwrite → superscriber, supplantar
to pad → (data) reimpler
padding → reimpletion
page break → salto de pagina, ruptura de pagina
pager → (communication device) pager [11]
to pair → accopular
pairing → accopulamento
pane → quadro, pannello
pan(ning) → movimento panoramic, displaciamento panoramic
to pan → mover le panorama, displaciar le panorama
parent → genitor
parent process → processo genitor
parser → analysator syntactic
to parse → analysar le syntaxe de, interpretar; processar
parser function → function del analysator syntactic, function analysator
parser hook → hook/hamo del analysator syntactic
it does not parse → le syntaxe es incorrecte
cannot parse → impossibile interpretar
to parse into → converter in
view the parsed page → vider le pagina processate
password → contrasigno
to paste → collar
patch → patch (en, pt, fr, it, de, ru)
path → (filesystem) percurso
full path → percurso integre
pattern → patrono
payload → cargo utile, carga utile
peer-to-peer → par-a-par, de equal a equal, peer-to-peer
performance → 1. prestationes, rendimento; 2. efficacia, efficientia; 3. realisation, execution
performant → efficace, efficiente
picture → imagine, photo
to pin → fixar, affixar
to pinch → (touch screen gesture) pinciar
pipe → (UNIX) tubo; (character) barra vertical
pipeline → (UNIX) tubo
placeholder → 1. spatio reservate, marcator de position; 2. substituto
platform → platteforma
cross-platform → multi-platteforma
to play → reproducer
playlist → lista de reproduction
pluggable → modular
plugin → plug-in (en , fr , it , pt , de , ru ), extension, modulo
pointer → punctator
policy → politica, directiva, regulamento
security policy → politica de securitate
privacy policy → politica de confidentialitate
polling → polling [12] , attender active
pool → reservoir, reserva (de ressources commun), pool (en , fr, it, es, de , ru)
to populate (a table, etc.) → plenar
popover → quadro emergente, pop-over
pop-up → emergente
pop-up menu → menu emergente, menu contextual
pop-up window → fenestra emergente
port → porto ([es] puerto, [fr] le port (m), [de] der Port (m), [ru] порт (m), totes proveniente de [la] portus)
to port → portar
portrait → orientation vertical
to post → publicar
post → message (public)
to power → actionar
powered by MediaWiki → actionate per MediaWiki
to prepend → anteponer
preset → preadjustamento, preselection
pretty-printed → 1. con coloration syntactic; 2. in forma elegante
previous → precedente, previe
preview → previsualisation
to preview → previsualisar
early preview → previsualisation anticipate, (of new features) accesso anticipate
printer → impressor, imprimitor
to prioritize → dar prioritate a, priorisar [fr, es/pt, en]
privacy → confidentialitate, vita private
privacy policy → politica de confidentialitate
processing → tractamento
profiling → profilage, analyse de rendimento
prompt → (command line interface) prompt (en, es, it, de)
to protect → proteger
to unprotect → disproteger
to protect from edits → proteger contra modificationes
to semiprotect → semiproteger
provisioning → approvisionamento
thin provisioning → allocation fin e dynamic
proxy → (network) proxy (plural: proxies); (party authorised to act in another’s name) mandatario
proxy server → servitor proxy
query → consulta, requesta (de un base de datos)
search query → texto a cercar
to query → consultar
to query for → cercar
queue → cauda
job queue → cauda de actiones
pool queue → cauda de ressources commun
rail → (UI element) barra lateral
random → aleatori
range → 1. (reach) portata, intervallo; 2. (area) gamma
out of range → foras de portata/intervallo
IP address range → gamma de adresses IP
rate limit → limite de frequentia
rationale → justification, motivation
raw → crude
reason → motivo
to record → registrar
record → registro, entrata
to redact → supprimer
redaction → suppression
to reformat → reformatar
related → associate, ligate
related to → relative a, associate a
release notes → notas del version
reliable → digne de fide, confidibile
reliability → confidibilitate, soliditate
Site Reliability Engineering → Ingenieria de Confidibilitate del Sito
reminder → rememoration
remote → remote, distante
to remove → remover, eliminar
to render → (tr.) render, generar, visualisar; (intr.) render se, visualisar se
rendering → rendition, generation, visualisation
to replace → reimplaciar
to reply → responder
reply → responsa
repository → repositorio (en, it, es/pt, de, ru)
to reset → 1. reinitialisar; 2. (network connection) interrumper
to restart → 1. (tr.) reinitiar; 2. (intr.) reinitiar se
to retrieve → recuperar, obtener
return → (from procedure) retorno, (yield) rendimento
to return → (go back) retornar, (give back) restituer, retornar
return value → valor restituite, valor de retorno
reverse engineering → ingenieria inverse
to revert → reverter
to review → revider
review → revision
reviewer → revisor
revision → 1. (version of a document, file, etc.) version; 2. (act or result of revising/reviewing) revision
revision control → controlo de versiones
to rewrite → rescriber
rewrite → rescriptura
internal query rewriting → rescriptura interne de consultas
to rollback → revocar
router → router (en,es,fr,it)
to run → 1. executar, (start) lancear; 2. executar se, (be capable of running) functionar
click here to run the program → clicca hic pro lancear le programma
no permission to run this program → sin permission de executar iste programma
the program is running → le programma es in (curso de) execution
the program runs → le programma functiona
runtime → durante le execution
runtime error → error de execution/functionamento
sandbox → sabliera, isolator
sandboxed → in sabliera
to sanitize → validar, normalisar, expurgar, sanificar
to save → salveguardar
(of page or article) → publicar
(of preferences) → confirmar
to scan → scannar
scope → (bounds, surroundings) ambito, perimetro; (range, field) campo; (boundary, limit) limite
score → score, punctos, punctage
to score → judicar, evalutar, qualificar, classificar, marcar, assignar punctos a
screen → schermo
full screen → plen schermo
screenshot → captura de schermo (fr , es /pt , it )
to make a screenshot → capturar le schermo
script → 1. (informatica) script; 2. (linguistica) systema de scriptura
to scroll → rolar
scrollwheel → rota de rolamento
to select → seliger
to send → inviar
unsent → non inviate
sent messages → messages inviate
set → collection, serie, gruppo, insimul
to set → definir, marcar, specificar, indicar, assignar, mitter, fixar
to set to false → mitter a false, definir como false
to set as optional → marcar como optional
to set (as) default → fixar como predefinite
to set the location of → fixar le position de
to set up → installar, configurar, establir
settings → parametros, configurationes
to share → 1. (to share the use or load of; to possess or experience in common) condivider, compartir; 2. (to show on social media) condivider, publicar; 3. (to hand out or distribute) repartir, distribuer; 4. (to have a share in) participar a/in; 5. (to agree with) esser de accordo con; 6. (send (feedback, etc.)) inviar, dar
share your feedback with us → da nos tu opinion
shared library → bibliotheca condividite/compartite/dynamic
time sharing → utilisation compartite
shell → interfacie, ambiente, interpretator, shell [en,es,it,de]
shortcut → (to a file) accesso directe, ligamine
to show → monstrar, presentar
(to show something hidden) → revelar
(to show details of) → detaliar
shutdown → (computing) arresto
sidebar → barra lateral
sideloading → transferentia/transferimento local (es ,it ); paracargamento (fr ), sideloading
to sideload → transferer localmente, paracargar
sighted → mirate
sighted revision → version mirate
size → dimension, grandor
skin → (GUI design) apparentia
slash → barra oblique, barra (fr , it , es /pt )
slide → diapositiva
slide show → presentation de diapositivas
slider → (GUI widget) glissator
slot → 1. (MediaWiki page segment, see mw:Manual:Slot ) segmento; 2. cannellatura, connector, loco, slot
smiley → emoticone
snapshot → instantaneo
snippet → extracto, fragmento
social media → retes social, medios social
socket → (programming interface) socket; (outlet) prisa
software → software, programmas
to sort → ordinar
to sort by name → ordinar per nomine
to sort alphabetically → ordinar alphabeticamente
sorting → ordinamento
sort key → clave de ordinamento
sort(ing) order → ordinamento, ordine
source → fonte
(in citation) → origine
space → spatio
non-breaking space → spatio insecabile
spacing → interdistantia
photo spacing → distantia inter photos
spam → spam
to spam → inviar spam, spammar
to spiderfy → extender como tela de aranea
spreadsheet → folio de calculo
stack → (data structure) pila
standalone → autonome
to start → 1. (tr.) initiar; 2. (intr.) initiar se
stash → reserva
to stash → mitter in reserva
stashed → in reserva
sticky → fixe, adhesive
to sticky a post → fixar/adherer/collar un message
sticky TOC → tabula de contento flottante
to stop → 1. (a process) stoppar, interrumper, arrestar; 2. (an activity) cessar de ..., non plus ...; 3. (a thing) blocar, impedir; 4. (a phenomenon) mitter/poner fin a
to store → immagazinar
storage → immagazinage
store → magazin
keystore → magazin de claves
stream → fluxo
to stream → transmitter, diffunder, facer fluer
streaming video → video in fluxo
web streamable → transmissibile per fluxo web
strikethrough → (texto) barrate
string → catena (de characteres), sequentia
to strip → (remove debug symbols) despoliar (fr,it,es,pt); (dismantle) dismantellar, eliminar, remover
stripped binary → binario despoliate
sudo → (MediaWiki extension) transidentification
swap → intercambio
swapspace → spatio de intercambio
swap memory → memoria de intercambio
to swipe → glissar
to swipe left → glissar al sinistra
to swipe right → glissar al dextra
sysop → administrator
tab → 1. (in GUI) scheda; 2. (in typography) tabulation
tag → etiquetta
talk → discussion
talk page → pagina de discussion
to tap → (on mobile device) toccar
task → carga, travalio, action, processo
template → (pattern) patrono; (something to be copied) modello
terminal → terminal (en , fr , it , es /pt , de , ru )
text → texto
plain text → texto simple
rich text → texto inricchite
text file → file de texto
text-to-speech → synthese vocal
thread → filo (de discussion), topico
threaded view → vista arborescente
to throttle → limitar (le frequentia de), restringer
throttle → limite de frequentia
to throw → (an error) generar, levar
thumbnail → miniatura
timeline → chronologia
to time out → expirar, exceder/ultrapassar le tempore limite, prender troppo de tempore
timeout → tempore limite, limite de tempore
timeout while waiting for upload → tempore limite excedite durante le incargamento
the operation timed out → le operation ha expirate
timestamp → data e hora
timezone → fuso horari
tip → (piece of advice) consilio
tips and hints → consilios e suggestiones
to toggle → commutar, alternar (inter), activar e disactivar
token → token (fr , it , es /pt , de , ru ), (syntax unit) lexema
edit token → token de modification
authentication token → token de authentication
tool → instrumento
toolbox → instrumentario
toolbar → barra de instrumentos; instrumentario
tooltip → legenda emergente
spam tool → instrumento antispam
topic → topico
touchpad → pannello tactile, touchpad
to trace → traciar
stack trace → traciamento del pila
to track → traciar, sequer
tracking → traciamento, sequimento
tray → (system tray) area de notification [13]
message tray → (dynamic GUI widget) tiratorio de messages
to trigger → 1. provocar, causar; 2. activar
trigger → 1. origine, causa; 2. activator
to trim → secar; (to shorten, e.g. video) accurtar
troubleshooting → resolution de problemas
trust → confidentia
trusted key → clave de confidentia
two-factor → bifactorial
two-factor authentication → authentication bifactorial
typeface → typo de characteres, typo de litteras
underscore → lineetta basse, tracto de sublineamento
to undo → disfacer, annullar, reverter
this action cannot be undone → iste action es irreversibile
to update → actualisar
update → (comp.) actualisation; (news) actualitate(s)
to upgrade → actualisar, modernisar
to upload → incargar
to download → discargar
URL → URL, adresse URL
username → nomine de usator
vector → vector; (adj.) vectorial
vector drawing program → programma de designo vectorial
verbose → detaliate, in detalio, verbose
to view → examinar, visitar, vider, visualisar; (video) spectar
viewer → (tool) lector, visualisator, visor; (person) lector, spectator
page views → visitas de paginas, visitas del pagina
to visualize → visualisar
wallpaper → fundo de schermo, imagine de fundo
to watch → observar
watchlist → observatorio
to unwatch → disobservar
watermark → marca de aqua
web → web
web browser → navigator del web
website → sito web
whitespace → spatio blanc
widget → widget, elemento de controlo/commando graphic
width → latitude
wiki → wiki
cross-wiki → multi-wiki
Wikidata → Wikidata
wildcard character → metacharacter
wizard → assistente
to work around → contornar, evitar
workaround → palliativo, solution alternative
workflow → fluxo de travalio/labor, processo
to wrap → inveloppar, incapsular
wrapper function → function inveloppe, function delegator
word wrap → torno de parolas
line wrap → ruptura de lineas
to wrap text around an item → disponer le texto circum un objecto
to zoom → facer zoom
zoom in → zoom avante; aggrandir
zoom out → zoom retro; diminuer