एसो योजको उत्तमायं पालियं वोहारं कत्तुं सक्कोति।
This user helps translating Kiwix.
I initially started on translatewiki with a wish to see Sanskrit Wikipedia Interface errorfree. As my understanding of this project grew, I came to know that translatewiki is helpful for several other projects too. Sanskrit, the language of Gods, as it is respectfully called, is considered to be sacred as well as purified (the word Sanskrit itself means purified in Sanskrit itself). So it is very necessary to write this language in its pure form to present it in its full glory. Rigorous definition of the grammar and sentence structure is the thing which has attracted scholars all over the world towards this ancient language. If those rules are not followed, even to a slight degree, it becomes useless for an interested reader. So my effort is to keep the translations as perfect as possible.
Currently, I am also volunteering as an admin on Sanskrit wikipedia (user:Hemant wikikosh), so my interest in translating for Sanskrit messages is more obvious now.
I am thankful for the creators of this project (translatewiki) who have revolutionized availability of software in different languages of the world.