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Translating talk:Okawix

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Is Okawix active?

Is this project still active? I'm told their news section on their website has not been updated since 2011, probably the torrents were not either. This talk has been silent for over a year.

Nemo (talk)10:13, 27 February 2014

Okawix:Okawix-site.ship buy described keys and few more

Can we ask for parameter decriptions for

Purodha Blissenbach20:21, 24 January 2011

Purodha, was this done?

Nemo (talk)11:48, 25 February 2014

I found ":"(colon) is not included <strong> tag.

아라다 알아 (talk)08:10, 23 January 2013

Fixed. Fixed. Thanks.

Siebrand09:44, 24 January 2013

I found space between "website" and "." ("website ."). and Message has two spaces.

아라다 알아 (talk)06:41, 24 January 2013

Fixed. Fixed. Thanks.

Siebrand09:42, 24 January 2013

Message has two spaces.

아라다 알아 (talk)06:42, 24 January 2013

Fixed. Fixed. Thanks.

Siebrand09:41, 24 January 2013

Not all languages have a counter part to "Miss" – for example, Hebrew doesn't differentiate between "Miss" and "Mrs" – both are called "גברת". I assume that other languages have similar problems – either more or less titles than given. How should one translate this?

Inkbug (talk)16:55, 22 December 2012

If there's no translation for Miss (it's used because the software writers are French, which still has a miss), then translate as Ms. which is the equivalent when there's no difference between formally addressing a young and an older female.

Siebrand17:26, 22 December 2012

typo: space before the ? should be removed. Cheers

[[kgh]]07:37, 21 August 2011

Fixed. Fixed. Thanks.

Siebrand10:37, 21 August 2011

typo: space before the ? should be removed. Cheers

[[kgh]]07:39, 21 August 2011

Fixed. Fixed. Thanks.

Siebrand10:37, 21 August 2011

Missing docs for Okawix-site.shop number and type of keys

This message is very hard to understand:

Can someone please document the parameters? Thank you.

Amir E. Aharoni17:01, 26 February 2011

I have e-mailed Okawix and asked them to answer this question.

Siebrand18:21, 24 April 2011

Hi, and thanks for your question.
In this sentence:
- %1$s = number of USB flash drives bought
- %3$s = model, type of the flash drives (e.g. Kingston Data Traveler)
- %2$s = size of the flash drives

An instance of such a sentence may be:
- in French: 1 (%1$s) clef USB Kingston Data Traveler (%3$s) de 8 (%2$s) Go --> 1 clef USB Kingston Data Traveler de 8 Go ((«%1$s clef%3$s usb de %2$sGO» doesn't look perfectly well said, in my opinion; it should be «%1$s clef USB %3$s de %2$s Go», no?)
- in English: 1 (%1$s) Kingston Data Traveler (%3$s) 8 (%2$s)GB USB flash drive --> 1 Kingston Data Traveler 8GB USB flash drive
I hope it answers your question, cheers :-) Matthieu.

Pmartin14:31, 15 May 2011

I fixed the typo because it wasn't done by you.

Siebrand17:21, 16 August 2011

Proposal to amend English message Okawix;Okawix-site.home 1

In the message Okawix-site.home 1 ("Okawix is an offline reader that allow you to download the content of Wikimedia projects, with or without pictures, in order to then access it offline.<br />Okawix's library includes the 253 languages of the various projects of the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks).") the word "allow" should be changed to "allows".

Lloffiwr15:14, 15 May 2011

I've corrected the English version, and will try to get the source code on sourceforge corrected as well.

Linterweb14:40, 3 June 2011

Can anyone please explain what the parameters %1$s, %2$s and %3$s mean, and why is each of the latter two attached to a word; are you sure it's grammatically correct?

Anakmalaysia13:24, 20 May 2011

Hi Anakmalaysia, and thanks for your question.
Please refer to my previous answer here below: Thread:Translating talk:Okawix/Missing docs for Okawix-site.shop number and type of keys/reply (2) for the meaning of the parameters and examples of use of this message.
Feel free to replace the current message Okawix:Okawix-site.shop number and type of keys/en by mine (the one you can see in my answer) if you'd like.
As for the words attached to the parameters, in English, according to me, the parameter %3$s shouldn't be attached, whereas %2$s may be attached (so as to get 8GB, 16GB, with the size 8 or 16 attached to the unit GO, as it seems to be often the case in English, from a quick search on Google: http://www.google.fr/search?as_q=1+Kingston+Data+Traveler+8+GB+USB+flash+drive&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&hl=fr&lr=lang_en&cr=&as_ft=i&as_filetype=&as_qdr=all&as_occt=any&as_dt=i&as_sitesearch=&as_rights=&safe=images&btnG=Recherche+Google).
But English isn't my mother tongue, you'll know better than me.
I hope it answers properly your question, else feel free to ask.
Take care :-) Matthieu.

Linterweb12:27, 23 May 2011

So, this GO is a misspelling of GB after all?

Anakmalaysia12:53, 23 May 2011

If I'm not mistaken, some people use o (octets) instead of B for bytes. My gut feeling is that this is somewhat common in French. But I haven't seen capital O being used before.

Nike13:43, 23 May 2011

Hi again,
Sorry, I had not noticed this problem with GO.
GO (I think it is more correct to write Go, but it's a detail) is indeed the abbreviation of the word Gigaoctet (octet means Byte, in English; it derives from the latine number octo, eight in English, because a byte contains "8 bits of information"). It is used in various languages, like French, Spanish…
In English it should probably be translated into GB, you're perfectly right.
Cheers, take care :-) Matthieu.

Linterweb16:59, 23 May 2011
Edited by author.
Last edit: 20:24, 2 June 2011

I've corrected the English version of this message. Maybe a native speaker should check that my version is correct…
I'd like to write a comment to explain what the parameters stand for. Is there on translatewiki any convention about how to write such comments?
Cheers, Matthieu.

Linterweb10:56, 24 May 2011

Can anyone please explain what the parameters %1$s and %2$s mean, and why is the latter attached to a word; are you sure it's grammatically correct?

Anakmalaysia13:23, 20 May 2011

missing documentation for Okawix-site.shop empty basket

This message is missing documentation:

It is unclear whether "empty" is an adjective or an imperative verb. Does it say that the basket is empty or does it ask the system to empty the basket?

Amir E. Aharoni11:12, 26 February 2011

I have e-mailed Okawix and asked them to answer this question.

Siebrand18:21, 24 April 2011

In this example, "empty" refers to the adjective, not to the imperative verb. It says that the basket is empty. Cheers :-) Matthieu.

Pmartin14:04, 15 May 2011

Thanks. At least Finnish translation was wrong. Only shows how important documentation is.

Nike10:44, 16 May 2011

Miss and Mrs in other languages

Miss and Mrs are usually not differentiated in Hebrew. Is it possible to change the title messages into one list of titles relevant for every language?

I refer to the following messages:

Amir E. Aharoni11:51, 26 February 2011

If there is no distinction, just translate them the same.

Siebrand13:05, 26 February 2011

Won't they appear twice?

Amir E. Aharoni13:20, 26 February 2011


Siebrand13:25, 26 February 2011
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 13:59, 26 February 2011

What would happen if you put one of Mrs and Miss as &nbsp;?

Lloffiwr13:54, 26 February 2011

I do not know. I would advise against it.

Siebrand20:39, 26 February 2011

Would be good to have parameters documented for message Okawix.sb.confirmRemove ("Wells De %name% verhaftesch fott schmiiße? Dobei weed dä Enhallt vun däm Verzeishneß %directory% kumplätt verschött jonn.")

Purodha Blissenbach06:10, 24 April 2011

I have e-mailed Okawix and asked them to answer this question.

Siebrand18:20, 24 April 2011

First, « Êtes vous sur de vouloir supprimer %name%? Lors de l'opération, le contenu du répertoire %directory% sera supprimé. » should be corrected to « Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer %name% ? Lors de l'opération, le contenu du répertoire %directory% sera supprimé.»

As for the parameters, you have:
- %name% = name of the corpus, that is, name of the archive, as found on this page http://okawix.com/?page=torrent. Thus, a typical value should look like %name% = fr.wikipedia or %name% = en.wikisource, for instance
- %directory% = path to the directory corresponding to the %name% archive; a typical value might be, for instance, %directory% = /home/foo/Okawix/archives/frwikipedia/, for instance, depending, of course, on the place where you saved the archive (Okawix let you choose this place before you start downloading the archive)

Therefore, altogether, an instance of the message might look like: « Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer fr.wikipedia ? Lors de l'opération, le contenu du répertoire /home/foo/Okawix/archives/frwikipedia/ sera supprimé.»

Hope it is clear enough, else I'll be glad to complete further my answer

Take care :-) Matthieu.

Pmartin17:21, 15 May 2011

Can someone please provide a link for the tl version of this website?

AnakngAraw20:17, 22 April 2011

I have e-mailed Okawix and asked them to answer this question.

Siebrand18:21, 24 April 2011

Hey AnakngAraw,
Thanks for your help. Please find the link you asked for below:

Thanks again, take care :-) Matthieu.

Pmartin14:50, 15 May 2011

The line breaks seem to be missing from this email message body.

Edit: same issue in okawix-site-download.lost_mail ("Dear Okawix user, Someone, probably you, told us you lost your password. If this is the case, just click on the address below: it will automatically connect you on your account, then in the setting page you'll be able to change your password.").

McDutchie09:40, 27 March 2011

Fixed. Although I am not certain if my fix was correct.

Siebrand06:09, 1 April 2011

I have e-mailed Okawix and asked them to answer this question.

Siebrand18:21, 24 April 2011

Hey McDutchie,
I'd say you're right, some line breaks are missing. And maybe a few minor other details too. I would correct Okawix:Okawix-site-download.confirmation mail/en this way:

Dear Okawix user,<br/>
You have just created an account on the download service of http://www.okawix.com/.<br/>
You will soon be able to download free offline contents: Wikipedia, article selections by authors, backups of your on-line bookmarks, and many other features. To connect to the service from Okawix, you'll have to enter your e-mail address together with the following password you chose: %s.<br/>
Before that, please click on the link below to confirm that you really are the person who asked for the creation.<br/>

Still now, some sentences still sound a bit strange to my ears. Could someone improve the text?

As for okawix-site-download.lost_mail, I would correct it this way:

Cher utilisateur d'Okawix,<br/>
Quelqu'un, probablement vous, nous a signalé que vous aviez perdu votre mot de passe. Si c'est bien le cas, cliquez sur l'adresse ci-dessous ; elle vous connectera directement à votre compte, et vous pourrez ensuite modifier votre mot de passe dans les paramètres.<br/>

Don't know why, but I don't have the right to edit the corresponding pages... Could someone check this?

Thanks again, take care :-) Matthieu.

Pmartin14:48, 15 May 2011

Okawix:Okawix-site.shop your basket contains

Is there PLURAL support in Okawix:Okawix-site.* messages? I believe not so, else Okawix-site.shop your basket contains ("Your basket contains") should be fed the number of items in the shopping basket.

Purodha Blissenbach19:12, 24 January 2011

Hi Purodha !
To answer your question: No, Okawix:Okawix-site.* messages currently don't support the MediaWiki magic word PLURAL. To be honest, I was until recently unaware of the existence of this mechanism of PLURAL magic word. I've found some information here: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/FAQ#PLURAL. Any other source of information that you would recommend us to read so as to know everything about this feature? We're interested in this possibility, and would be interested in using it in future.
Thanks for the tip anyway, take care, Matthieu.
P.S.: By the way, you didn't ask about it, but « Votre panier contient » ("your basket contains") is supposed to be followed by the list of the items in the basket, like:
Your basket contains:
-1 Kingston Data Traveler 8GB USB flash drive
-3 Kingston Data Traveler 5GB USB flash drives
Maybe it helps. In some languages (French, Spanish, English, for instance, maybe German), there is no real necessity of supporting the PLURAL functionality in this context. In other languages, however, this support could be necessary, indeed. Take care :-)

Pmartin13:30, 15 May 2011

Okawix Wiki{p,m}edia

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 18:20, 24 April 2011

I think that Okawix:Okawix.title/en must be changed from "Wikipedia" to "Wikimedia" or even "Mediawiki".

55521:14, 22 April 2011

I have e-mailed Okawix and asked them to answer this question.

Siebrand18:20, 24 April 2011


And thanks for your suggestion.
I'm not sure we should change say that Okawix is a Wikimedia or Mediawiki browser, instead of saying that it's a Wikipedia browser.
The fact is that you're not wrong, Okawix is a Wikimedia or Mediawiki browser indeed, but there are maybe 90% or more of the people who know more or less what Wikipedia is, whereas there are maybe 10% of the people or less who know what Mediawiki or Wikimedia means. So, I think it is maybe better to make it easy for everybody and just say it's a Wikipedia browser, even if it is less exact :-)

Secondly, let me add that, if we wanted to be completely exact in the use of the words, Okawix can actually be used to browse off-line any website content, not only wiki projects, as long as you have an .okawix archive of this website (.okawix is the file format used by Okawix). So that, rather than saying it is a Wikimedia or Mediawiki browser, it'd be more exact (if we wanted to be completely exact) to say that is is actually an offline browser.

But let keep it easy and simple for everybody, and let's just call it Wikipedia browser, no?

Sincerely yours :-) Matthieu.

Pmartin23:17, 8 May 2011


Where is this message used? -

It is hard to translate it into Hebrew without knowing.

Amir E. Aharoni11:55, 26 February 2011

I have e-mailed Okawix and asked them to answer this question.

Siebrand18:21, 24 April 2011
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