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Translating talk:FUEL

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
About FUEL:Cloud-00a818-IP Protocol/en015:57, 31 August 2015
About FUEL:Web-094da9-Slug/en023:38, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-002eba-Administration Theme/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-c615e1-Available Themes/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-f036d2-Best Viewed @ 1024x768 Resolut/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-54c45c-Blocks/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-2e89ed-Change Theme/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-583222-Current Theme/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-54cd87-Disabled Themes/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-8c74c6-Earliest/en023:21, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-a1dc50-Published by/ksh023:20, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-50cbb4-Most Recent/en023:20, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-d0086d-Enabled Themes/en023:20, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-45130e-Edit Friends/en023:20, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-6aab28-Download Font/en023:19, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-127bbf-Designed and Developed by/en023:19, 15 February 2015
About FUEL:Web-07c4aa-Add New/ksh103:57, 14 February 2015
Triaging this talk page011:47, 25 February 2014
About FUEL:Desktop-213b76-Open Terminal/en011:43, 25 February 2014
About FUEL:Desktop-1eea3d-Purge/en310:26, 3 December 2013
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"IP" = "Internet Protocol", thus the message says "Internet Protocol Protocol", whih does not seem to make sens, does it?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)02:07, 27 May 2015

Needs more documentation. Can be used either a noun or a verb.

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)04:30, 4 January 2015

What is a theme here? Musical theme, subject, matter, contextual information, presentational or surface styling, ...

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:01, 29 December 2014

what are the themes here?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:07, 29 December 2014

Can we inform the authors of such messages that they should PLEASE avoid such nonesense?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:11, 29 December 2014

I suggest to fuzzy the message since probably all translations that I understand (a dozen or so) are wrong according to the message documentation. It is about blocks of text on screens while translations are about blocking users.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:15, 29 December 2014

What is theme here?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:18, 29 December 2014

What is "theme" here?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:25, 29 December 2014

What is the meaning of "themes" here?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:29, 29 December 2014

GENDER support needed. The grammatical gender of the earliest needs to be known.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:37, 29 December 2014

GENDER support needed.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:50, 29 December 2014

GENDER support needed. Translation requires to know the grammatical gender of the most recent.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:44, 29 December 2014

What are themes in this context?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:42, 29 December 2014

Should not he message help say "edit information about your friend" rather than "edit a friend"? I would refuse to do the latter, literally ;-)

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:40, 29 December 2014

Untranslateable. Different messages are required for the cases:

  • Download a single preselected known font
  • Download a font which is yet to be determined
  • Download any font
  • Go to font download page, or similar.
Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:34, 29 December 2014

Message has inconsisten upper/lowercasing. PLURAL support needed.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)23:28, 29 December 2014

Needs GENDER support. Needs to know the grammatical gender of what is to be added.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)22:58, 29 December 2014

Umm, I'd like to say, adding GENDER into non-MediaWiki messages is basically impossible.

E.g. Thread:Support/About NFCRingControl:Actions.twitter.description/ksh

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)10:10, 12 January 2015

Triaging this talk page

Can someone interested in FUEL please update the template:Support in each thread summary to indicate whether support requests need more work or were addressed? There are many open here and no action visible.

Nemo (talk)11:47, 25 February 2014
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 08:38, 13 February 2013

In "Open Terminal" is "open" a verb or an adjective?

Siebrand18:29, 12 February 2013

Verb (Imperative or Infinitive) or Noun?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)15:04, 28 April 2013

for all desktop entries please check the context available in the rhs of tw

Rajesh (talk)14:22, 13 May 2013

What's that?

Nemo (talk)06:33, 20 November 2013

Gettext context information in the translation editor.

Siebrand10:26, 3 December 2013
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