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Translating:Prawfddarllen testunau

From translatewiki.net
This page is a translated version of the page Translating:Proofreading the messages and the translation is 50% complete.
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Proofreading the messages

The possibility of proofreading the work done by other is a great way to ensure quality and consistency of the work done. This is something suitable for more experienced translators as it is important to know the project lingo (such as the special terminology used etc.). (This doesn't mean that you should translate for months before having a go at it, but that you should be some what familiar with the messages and the project.)

Translations that you have made can be hidden by clicking the hide button in the action bar at the bottom of the view. If not hidden, they have a small person icon next to them. A filled (black) check-mark means that you have already marked the translation as reviewed. An empty check-mark (white on gray background) means that you will be the first reviewer of the translation. Proofreading of a message can be done by multiple users and a gray check-mark means that the translation has already been reviewed by others, but not by you.

Pethau i'w cofio

When proofreading you are verifying the quality and approving the messages that other people have already translated. Some key things to keep in mind are:

  • make sure to read the project page and see if there are any previous discussions about messages that you should keep in mind;
  • to control that the English message has not changed since it was translated. Often this is marked automatically, but some messages slip through.
  • to make sure that the grammar is the same as in the original messages (that for example the tempus has not changed);
  • that no code has been missed or changed (such as the magic words Gender, Plural, Grammar);
  • ensure that source terms have been translated in the same way everywhere. This is especially important within a message group, but will help to enhance the translation memory for all message groups.

Mae'r meddalwedd yn cadw trac ar y cyfieithiadau rydych chi wedi eu hadolygu fel nad oes angen i chi fynd dros yr un cyfieithiadau eto.

Yr ap

Mae prawfddarllen yn dasg sydd ddim yn cymryd llawer o amser ac mae'n berffaith i dreulio bach o amser sbar. Mae'n gweithio'n dda ar ddyfeisiau symudol, ac mae'r ap translatewiki.net yn ddefnyddiol (ar gael ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer dyfeisiau Apple).