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If I got it right you need the following translations:

  • "doesn't match %{attribute}" -> "stëmmt net mat %{attribute} iwwerenee"
  • "Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists" -> "Den Enregistrement kann net geläscht gi wëll et en dovun ofhängegt %{record} gëtt"
  • "Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist" -> "Den Enregistrement kann net geläscht gi wëll et dovun ofhängegt %{record} gëtt"
  • "must be other than %{count}" -> "muss anescht si wéi %{count}"
  • must be blank -> muss eidel sinn

I hope this is what you need, otherwise just recontact me.

Robby (talk)19:09, 5 March 2015

thanks robby! that is exactly what i was looking for. i created the following pull request to the i18n gem’s repo, which they will hopefully accept.

Dan-nl (talk)18:56, 29 April 2015