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Thank you for your translation of Waymarked Trails to Pälzisch!

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Manuae

My pleasure! I'm a bit lost to apply by the pull request, thus your assistance is appreciated. The differences of date and time formats between Palatine and German are minimal, i.e. TIME_FORMAT = 'h:i:s' and adding (similar to 'A' or 'a') Moaschens (1:00 - 12:00), Midaags (12:00 - 17:00), Owens (17:00 - 24:00), Nachds (24:00 - 4:00), similar for DATETIME_FORMAT and SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT. Additionally, in Palatine for DATE_INPUT_FORMATS the formats '%Y-%m-%d' and '%y-%m-%d' aren't possible, but '%d. %B %Y', '%d. %b. %Y' and for DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS the formats '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' and '%Y-%m-%d' aren't possible either. As I speak it in Palatine the months are Janua, Februa, Meaz, Abril, Mai, Juni, Juli, Auguschd, Sebdemba, Novemba, Dezemba and the days are Mondaach, Dienschdaach, Middwoch, Dunnaschdaach, Fraidaach, Somschdaach, Sundaach. I hope this is helpful, otherwise please let me know.

Manuae (talk)17:14, 28 June 2012

I'm afraid there are quite some steps to get that into django. See my reply to Fulup.

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)22:34, 29 June 2012

Ok, I signed up at Transifex, but failed then to request Palatine as a new language at the django project. Palatine isn't an option there. Any idea what to proceed?

Manuae (talk)15:54, 3 July 2012

It seems they do not support all languages by default, and that you have to request their addition...

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)09:55, 4 July 2012
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 16:32, 5 July 2012

All right, signed up to githup and submitted a request for Palatine (Request: Please, add Palatine - pfl to available transifexnew-language).

Manuae (talk)10:12, 4 July 2012

I see that, wouldn't be too optimistic about a follow-up though considering how old the other requests are...

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)16:33, 5 July 2012

I'll look for a response once in a while, but if too much time passes, the memory will disappear in competition with daily concerns. We'll see.

Manuae (talk)07:23, 9 July 2012