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Grammatical Mistake

Grammatical Mistake

There are some grammatical mistakes in the displayed messages when informing about the people of concerned nations. For example with german settings the following message “Eure Exzellenz, die Französisch haben Frieden mit uns!” or “Warten auf: Französisch” is displayed. But the correct grammatical form would be “Eure Exzellenz, die Franzosen haben Frieden mit uns!” and “Warten auf: Franzosen”. We figured out that it works correctly if we replace the term “%nation%” with the term "\{\{tag:people|%nation%\}\}" and the terms “model.nation.apache.name=Apachen” (and similar ones) with "model.nation.apache.name={{Tag:|country={{{country}}}|people=Apachen|default=Apachen}}". Although we cite examples from the german version, we noticed that this fix works for all languages. We would like to carry out the necessary changes in the message files for all languages. We kindly ask you to give a look at the problem and give us your opinion on the solution.

Fares.M (talk)15:07, 23 November 2013

The normal way is to update qqq of all the involved messages so that the translators are aware of how to translate them.

Nemo (talk)12:25, 1 November 2016

The problems with the German strings have been fixed. I have also updated the FreeCol wiki page to improve the explanation for the tag syntax. The overall problem still remains, tho. A general bug report has been filed here: https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/bugs/3303/

Wuzzy (talk)05:48, 11 September 2022

Freecol is smart enogh to allow each language to define themselves the "tags" they need to additional distinctions (e.g. tags like "people", "nation", "adjective"...), so nothenig really prohibit adding other grammatiacl distinctions (more than jsut those supported by "plural" rules, includnig the possibility to add tags for derived terms depending of grammatical gender, grammatical case, or how to prefix a definite or indefinite article, with possible elision or gluing as affixes).

Verdy p (talk)13:32, 11 September 2022