integrate with
No answers from project proponents Henryoswald and Waldir since May; went another way in July.
I would like to integrate with translatewiki, I have set up a github repo to hold the JSON files, currently there is the en-US.json and qqq.json files in there. the integration with the actual website has been started on
Please let me know what else I need todo.
We have quite a few people who want to translate the site for us so I would like to be able to point them towards translatewiki to get started while we have momentum :)
- Is the i18n system implemented now, or are you still working on some part of it?
- Did you already give @siebrand and @nikerabbit push access on that repo?
- It would be helpful if you had a unified licensing statement somewhere, or consistent licensing headers/attachments. I can't find any on the website, I couldn't find LICENSE or COPYING files on the first two repos I checked, one had something in the README.
For clarification of 'started', the integration with a i18n lib and json files is done. We are now currently updating all our views to have new styles and layouts which handle with different sizes of text much better than the current layouts.
Getting the translations done next would be the best thing for us so we can test that the different texts are all readable/accessible to all languages.
We were both replying at the same time.
1) should be answered in previous reply. Yes it is implemented, we just need to update the views but we would prefer todo this with the translations of a few languages ready so we can do a better job. 2) I have now given access 3) our code repos are AGPL, it has that linked to in the wiki of the web project but not in the actual repo (will fix). Do you have a preferred licence for the translations repo? I have not thought about this.
So I understand the process, I assume that things are automatically push to the repo, its not a manual process by @siebrand or @nikerabbit each time?
- Yes sorry, edit conflict. :)
- Thanks.
- AGPL is fine, any OSI-approved license is ok. But it needs to be clear in all repos, so that our translators (and me) easily find out.
It's not (yet) automated, only semi-automated. Updates are pushed at semi-regular intervals depending on how many new translations/messages there are.
I have licensed the translations repo under MIT which should be ok. Other repos such as the web one have semi complicated OS licences, look at the readme for details.
Thanks. "Semi complicated OS licences" is not particularly helpful I must say... In your example, I see IconShock icons are just fair use? Debian would not be amused but we're not as strict, let's forget it. But I don't see any default license for files other than *.coffee, *.less and silk icons: what's the license for all the tex, json, jpeg, js etc. etc. files I see in there? Forgive me the nitpicks, better safe than sorry. :)
I understand this is worth getting correct from the start. This project didn't start out being open source, originally it was just a little side project to learn some new techniques but then it grew! I have updated the licence, let me know if thats good for you.
Thanks, looks ok. Sorry for the legal screening, now time for Siebrand's ultimate i18n review.
is there any update on this?
@Henryoswald: the already existing translations are de, fr-FR, and en-US. For consistency it might be best to use language-only locales (i.e. fr, en, ...) when there are no separate versions for countries (yet). This is also what is used to. Were the FR and US tags deliberately used?
Henryoswald, we're almost ready to enable, thanks to Robin. He identified there are only three more things to do: «
- The messages in the attribution page (at the end) may not work in all languages since the links are excluded
- Language code harmonization: there's de, en-US, fr-FR; it would be best to always use root codes
- A lot of Camel Case words, I'd prefer normal capitalization