What is translation project FUEL for?
Hello, what is translation project FUEL for? There are 3 words as information only - Beta. Unicorns. Bunnies. This sounds like Playboy but not like a serious software. There isn't any information on the TW main page, either. Thanks.
It's a glossary project translation we picked up in our last visit to India. There is a little bit of information at Translating:FUEL. I hope someone else can elaborate.
Thank you Nike. FUEL seems to be a promising project. I translate very much for several projects and for minority languages and it is often difficult to find the appropriate terminology and to ensure consistency. Regards,
Thanks Michawiki for good words! Please refer: website: http://www.fuelproject.org/ community trac: https://fedorahosted.org/fuel/
The ugly group description should be updated soon. See gerrit:58482 and gerrit:58480.