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Does the language tarandine have a valid three character language code? If so, isn't it possible to enable the valid three character language code, and use it for translations into tarandine of all projects except Mediawiki?

Lloffiwr (talk)21:08, 24 September 2013

No, it doesn't have a code.

Nemo (talk)21:28, 24 September 2013

According to Wikipedia Tarantino is a dialect of Sicilian. Sicilian's language code is 'scn'. Can we maybe move all 'roa-tara' messages to 'scn'?

Frank (talk)06:39, 25 September 2013

According to Joe Taras the English Wikipedia is wrong and Tarantino is not related to Sicilian. Maybe the ISO 639 standard is just incomplete and needs to be updated?

Frank (talk)10:37, 26 September 2013