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Restore gender support for logentry?

There is already a LinkBatch in LogPager::getStartBody. The LinkBatch contains the log title and the performer user and user talk page and maybe other preloaded title from the LogFormatter.

I will have a look at weekend, if that is enough, to get nice queries on Special:Log.

Der Umherirrende (talk)17:52, 10 May 2012

There are user names other than performer in the log messages, but that would obviously be a good start.

Nike (talk)06:44, 11 May 2012

That is only the case for "newusers/create2", but there the log entry is stored under the user as target and the user page is added to the linkbatch and the user to gender cache. Only the talk page is missing, see gerrit 7305, but same problem exist on RC (no solution yet).

the block log is not changed to the new log formatter and therefor get no gender support and makes no problem (but the talk page is also missing in LinkBatch).

Der Umherirrende (talk)19:51, 11 May 2012