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Phabricator qqq pages are non-intuitive (IMHO)

Phabricator qqq pages are non-intuitive (IMHO)

When translating Phabricator, pages like Phabricator:phabricator-project-4917eb42b43b64f5/qqq doesn't offer me really much of context, although maybe it's just me.

MarcoAurelio (talk)13:55, 28 February 2018

Having those autolinked to the source code is work-in-progress. I believe there isn't proper human written message documentation unless someone writes it.

Nike (talk)17:24, 2 March 2018

Problem is that we can't be expected to provide good translations with bad documentation. I know it is not an issue of you nor from translatewiki.net itself; just feedback that this should be fixed where appropriate.

MarcoAurelio (talk)16:03, 17 March 2018

I'm sympathetic, but Phabricator developers have shown very little interest for a good i18n and what it entails (Nike was even forced to design an entirely new process to suit their non-standard methods and formats), so the alternative would be no i18n at all.

Our hope is that with this collaboration they will learn to appreciate i18n and adopt better practices. If it doesn't happen, at some point we'll need to reconsider...

Nemo (talk)16:21, 17 March 2018