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New search features

New search features

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 16:47, 22 April 2011

On the search page, you can now easily restrict your searches to translations only. What's more, you can even restrict the results to a single language. Please try it out and report any problems.

Nike16:24, 22 April 2011

Are you referring to Special:Search?

Hamilton Abreu16:38, 22 April 2011

Yep. I've added links to Nike's message.

It is working for me. GREAT!

Purodha Blissenbach16:48, 22 April 2011

Works for me. Thanks, I've been wanting this feature for a long time.

Edit: If you enable a language filter and then click on "next 20" for the next page of results, the language filter is lost. It's possible to re-add the filter component manually to the URL, for example "&languagefilter=ia".

McDutchie19:07, 22 April 2011

Should be fixed.

Nike20:42, 22 April 2011

Thanks a million.

Lloffiwr21:26, 23 April 2011

Shouldn't this be the default search? Special:Search is very cluttered and the feature is hard to find.

Nemo (talk)22:30, 12 July 2012

It's not possible currently. File a bug?

Nike (talk)15:26, 14 July 2012