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Need improvement in Search

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Terminology

Although I do not have much time available to actually do sophisticated work on it at the moment, I am planning to automatically or semi-automatically extract bilingual (likely partial) dictionaries from existing messages, giving us "terminology in context" data, such as:

en ksh Context Usable Elsewhere?
allows to määt et müjjelich, *-desc messages of Extension:* yes
author Projrammierer Extension:CodeRewiew unlikely
author Schriever Extension:CodeRewiew yes
badge Orde Shapado unlikely
namespace Appachtemang all of Mediawiki, text excluding wikilink-targets no
user Metmaacher all of Mediawiki, text excluding wikilink-targets maybe

The leftmost (English) column of the list would likely have some overlap between languages. The "Context" and "Usable Elsewhere?" columns would likely require some human input, or adjustments. A raw list of suggestions could imho likely be extracted pretty automatically from some standard source format, such as a .po file, e.g. I believe, such data can be used to either help us to very raw translations for languages that are not covered by better means, or at least provide a list of clickable suggestions next to message edit fields, so as to save some typing effort.

If we can share ideas, insights, and thoughts, I would certainly like to.

Purodha Blissenbach09:12, 4 August 2010

Sorry to say: I'm all for thinking with you. However, over the past years you have often said you would be working on some code, without delivering much. I really hope this will change.

As for the terminology repository: I am almost certain that a standard for these already exists. Nikerabbit probably knows more about it and will be able to provide some web reference(s).

Siebrand09:34, 4 August 2010