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Need improvement in Search

Need improvement in Search

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 12:30, 4 September 2011
I have done good number of translations here at translate wiki.We had to create and use several new localised terms. When I return back after long time to search some term and what term we used to localise , Even after using all tricks mentioned in FAQ support page more than often I end up return back empty handed.
More important is the fact referring back new casual wikipedia reader to search certain term here , he finds it to complicated.
Available translator force just enough to take care of minimal transaltion need and hardly we do have enough time to generate glossary.
Besides single page glossaries are not ideal for searching.
We need some better automated system which will search entire message database for given languge and provide glossary result.and that we should be more comfortable to refer a novice also to search through search link
I suppose Translate wiki developers may have other priorities too , still I belive that this usability point may already in their mind,and they will take care of the same in due course.

Thanks and Reagards

माहीतगार07:05, 31 July 2010

We would love to have a terminology repo per language, but it does not have a high priority at the moment. We are working on features however that may help in the near future.

Siebrand10:15, 31 July 2010

Although I do not have much time available to actually do sophisticated work on it at the moment, I am planning to automatically or semi-automatically extract bilingual (likely partial) dictionaries from existing messages, giving us "terminology in context" data, such as:

en ksh Context Usable Elsewhere?
allows to määt et müjjelich, *-desc messages of Extension:* yes
author Projrammierer Extension:CodeRewiew unlikely
author Schriever Extension:CodeRewiew yes
badge Orde Shapado unlikely
namespace Appachtemang all of Mediawiki, text excluding wikilink-targets no
user Metmaacher all of Mediawiki, text excluding wikilink-targets maybe

The leftmost (English) column of the list would likely have some overlap between languages. The "Context" and "Usable Elsewhere?" columns would likely require some human input, or adjustments. A raw list of suggestions could imho likely be extracted pretty automatically from some standard source format, such as a .po file, e.g. I believe, such data can be used to either help us to very raw translations for languages that are not covered by better means, or at least provide a list of clickable suggestions next to message edit fields, so as to save some typing effort.

If we can share ideas, insights, and thoughts, I would certainly like to.

Purodha Blissenbach09:12, 4 August 2010

Sorry to say: I'm all for thinking with you. However, over the past years you have often said you would be working on some code, without delivering much. I really hope this will change.

As for the terminology repository: I am almost certain that a standard for these already exists. Nikerabbit probably knows more about it and will be able to provide some web reference(s).

Siebrand09:34, 4 August 2010