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About [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-coderevisionupdate-param-addreferenced/en]]

One further question: Subversion/Code review (which, I believe, this message relates to) is stated in the link as no longer being in use. Should we still be keeping these strings up for translation?

Hamilton Abreu (talk)02:25, 15 November 2016

It looks like "Apihelp-coderevisionupdate-param-addreferenced" has a typo? Shouldn't it be "Add referenced revisions to this revision."?

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)03:04, 15 November 2016

That could be it. It's been interpreted in another language as "Add referenced revisions from this revision, onwards" which could "make sense" for both strings also.

Hamilton Abreu (talk)03:24, 15 November 2016