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Page structure

Page structure

This page causes out of memory errors from time to time. Can you make the page more efficient or do you need help implementing parts of it in PHP side?

Nike07:57, 29 March 2011

Are the errors caused by the size of the page? It was split into individual subpages to avoid the errors but it didn't help much. One thing I can do is to avoid the page altogether and force users to visit the individual subpages. It's a cumbersome way ou using the cheatsheet, but we can do it if it helps. Otherwise I need help, unless Waldir is able to come up with something.

Hamilton Abreu14:22, 29 March 2011

By the way, the errors only happen now when I edit a subpage and then immediately try to view the overall page. Once the page has been successfully built and presented once, the error doesn't happen again. Now, I can live with this, since there's no error during the save of the individual subpages, which was the problem before. So, if it's not causing any other side effects perhaps we could leave it as is.

Hamilton Abreu14:26, 29 March 2011

Nike, have you noticed any further out of memory errors?

Hamilton Abreu17:08, 29 April 2011


Nike09:22, 1 May 2011