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Portal talk:Kbp/LiquidThreads

From translatewiki.net
This page contains archived discussions using the Liquid Threads extension. You can still participate in existing conversations, but you should start new conversations using the new discussion tools on the main talk page.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Most used messages have all been translated into Kabiye1612:25, 27 April 2017

Most used messages have all been translated into Kabiye

We have now translated the 598 most used messages offline into Kabiye (kbp). Please can you tell us what to do with them now? Kabiye still does not appear in the dropdown list, so we don't know how to upload the translations.

Gnangbade (talk)06:57, 29 April 2016

Now, after a long delay, Kabiye finally appears in the language selector.

Nike (talk)11:37, 4 May 2016

thanks, that's a step forward. We have all the translated messages stored in an Excel spreadsheet. Is there anyway of importing them into TranslateWiki without having to paste in each one manually?

Gnangbade (talk)21:46, 11 May 2016

No I don't think so, unless you want to play with Pywikibot to automate it. Had you chosen the download for offline translation option, then you could have given us the file to upload.

Nike (talk)07:25, 21 May 2016

OK, never mind, I've started pasting them in mannually this evening. Done about a third of them, and will get to the others when I can. Thanks for your help.

Gnangbade (talk)19:10, 21 May 2016

Hi I have entered all the messages. What happens now?

Gnangbade (talk)19:06, 23 May 2016