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User talk:Strainu

From translatewiki.net

Hi Strainu. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!

Please consider confirming your e-mail address

Dear Strainu. Our records show that you have not confirmed your e-mail address. This means that other users cannot contact your by e-mail, and that you will not receive our periodic newsletter once every one or two months. If you mean to be an active contributor on Betawiki, we strongly advise you to confirm your e-mail address. The below steps describe how you can do that.

You can confirm your e-mail address as follows:

  • go to your preferences
  • fill out a valid e-mail address in the field behind "E-mail"
  • save your preferences; an e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you submitted
  • check your e-mail. The e-mail contains a URL you should click to confirm your e-mail address.

Thank you for considering this. Cheers! Betawiki Staff 17:17, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

OSM user box

Hi Strainu! I saw that you work for OpenStreetMap translation project: I just created an OSM userbox to put in your user page if you want, by adding {{User OSM}}. Damouns 10:38, 28 October 2009 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Traduceri022:58, 10 February 2025
Sprijiniți WIKIVERSITATEA Românească !021:49, 21 October 2022
ContentTranslation015:09, 16 May 2015

Am omis pe alocuri să modific. Știu ce înseamnă $1, dar nu am văzut. Probabil am tradus peste 400 de mesaje deja. Eram cam obosit, dar oricum le poți modifica pe unde am omis sau am făcut o eroare. La unele mesaje nu am văzut textul cum se afișează sa îl pot adapta mai bine.

MSClaudiu (talk)22:58, 10 February 2025

Sprijiniți WIKIVERSITATEA Românească !

Edited by 0 users.
Last edit: 07:39, 22 June 2012

New Message: WIKIVERSITATEA Românească

[edit source]
    • Please support the new request for Wikiversity in the Romanian (including Moldavian dialect) -WIKIVERSITAYEA;

Vă rugăm să sprijiniți acum noua aplicație pentru Wkiversity în limba română cu dialect moldovenesc la siturile: Requests for new languages/Wikiversity Romanian (including Moldavian dialect) și Active test la: Wikiversity website in Romanian, including the Moldavian dialect-"Wikiversitatea".

Bci21 (talk)07:39, 22 June 2012



Can you please help translating the ContentTranslation extension? We are enhancing its deployment to the Romanian Wikipedia, and I'd love it to be fully translated.

Thank you very much!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)15:09, 16 May 2015