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Latest comment: 10 months ago by POSSUM chowg in topic Turned E/Schwa and Ł/Ɬ

Hi POSSUM chowg. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

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-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 11:36, 16 January 2024 (UTC) Here we go... POSSUM chowg, chinook jargon amateur [Talk to me] 02:20, 18 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Turned E/Schwa and Ł/Ɬ


What do you use to type the special letters?

I've noticed that in the translations, you sometimes use the letter ə Ə (Unicode name: "schwa") and sometimes ǝ Ǝ (Unicode name: "turned E" / "reversed E"). They look the same in lowercase, but they are different un uppercase. You should probably stick to just one of them, and I guess that it is ə (schwa).

Also, you use Ł (L with stroke), while the English Wikipedia article Chinook Jargon mentions Ɬ (L with belt). That's also what I see on the cover of the book "Chinuk Wawa: kakwa nsayka ulman-tilixam ɬaska munk-kəmtəks nsayka". Should it be replaced, or is Ł used in some other orthography? Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 15:45, 5 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

I copy and paste ALL my special characters from other places, and I only use ł because it's easier to type. I guess I should stick to the Ə... POSSUM chowg, chinook jargon amateur [Talk to me] 13:51, 7 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
OK, but Ɬ is more correct than Ł, right?
I can make a keyboard for you that will make all those characters easy to type, at least on a desktop browser. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 14:00, 7 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Not necessarily. There's not really any way to write Chinook Jargon/Chinook Wawa that's considered "correct".

The Grande Ronde gang, who have a big immersive Chinook Jargon course, created their own spelling standard for the language, but since this is an old pidgin, there's not really one correct way to spell anything. The phrase "Back then we wrote everything like this" (ahnkuttie nesika mamook-tzum konaway iktah kakwa okoke) would be written by the GR as "anqati nsayka munk-tsʼəm kʰanawi ikta kakwa ukuk) (they don't capitalize words at the beginning of sentences), but this is not necessarily more correct. You'll see on the wiki that everyone seems to spell words different. The only thing that has been standardized is the front page.

Usually I would write the phrase like this: "Anqati nesaika mamuk-ts'əm khanawi ikta kakwa ukuk"
Nvolut would write that phrase like this: "anqati nsayka munk-ts'vm khanawi ikta kakwa ukuk"
Haruo would write the phrase like this: "anqati nsayka munk-c!Em khanawi ikta kakwa ukuk"
ISO 369-3 nds would write the phrase like this: "anqati nsayka munk-tsʼəm kʰanawi ikta kakwa ukuk"...
but he has a few other differences in his spelling, for example, he uses "ł" like I do.
曙䬠 would write the phrase like this: "Anquti nesaika mamunk-ts'um kanawi ixta kakwa okok"
Lusentoj would write the phrase like this: "ankati nesika mamuk-tsum kanawi ikta kakwa ukuk"

So you could change all the Ł's to Ɬ's if you want, it wouldn't hurt anyone. My translations of the interface are admittedly poor-quality anyway. POSSUM chowg, chinook jargon amateur [Talk to me] 16:51, 9 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
OK. In the spirit of using external reliable sources as much as possible, I suggest going with some known system initially. That book looks... as good as any other. And that's also what is used on the main page, which, as you mention, is "standardized".
In a few days, I'll make a keyboard based on that and replace the existing non-standard letters. After that, it should be easy to type in a uniform way.
To be clear, I am not forcing this, because the language is not mine. I'm just doing an initial, simplistic cleanup. Whenever there's a proper community, it should be actually cleaned up according to what works best.
The best thing you could do is to find these people and build a proper community. I cannot do much for that, as I only provide some administration and technical support. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 17:04, 9 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
Ok, go ahead with your conversions. I have actually been trying, along with my pal Jon Gua, to recruit new members for Chinook Jargon Wikipedia, in hopes that we can expand it from a measly 137 pages. Occasionally I use the Lushootseed keyboard on Wikipedia to type. See you soon! POSSUM chowg, chinook jargon amateur [Talk to me] 19:31, 14 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
I think I've replaced everything.
For typing, try using the description here: Help:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/Input methods/chn-tilde.
. Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 03:29, 29 February 2024 (UTC)Reply
There is one more thing that is not in the chn-tilde keyboard system: this alternate apostrophe (’), used by the grande ronde gang for words like t’səm (markings), q’əl (hard), kʰimt’a (after, behind), q’alis (raccoon), pʰik’w (back/spine), etc. It feels a little nitpicky because it's not all that necessary; a lot of people just use the regular apostrophe (') anyway because it's easier to type, but it would be nice if you added it. POSSUM chowg, chinook jargon amateur [Talk to me] 16:26, 20 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
This is now enabled: ~' -> Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 07:17, 1 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thanks POSSUM chowg, chinook jargon amateur [Talk to me] 17:38, 1 May 2024 (UTC)Reply