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Hi Fohanno. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

You can now start translating.

You should also check the portal for your language, the link is in the sidebar. Other useful pages are linked in the menu next to this message.

Your translations are transferred to the standard product every few days or every few weeks, depending on the product. Please notice that it may take longer before you see your translation in the actual product.

We wish you a productive and pleasant stay. Please leave any questions on Support (the link is also available on any page, in the navigation sidebar). Cheers!


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Use French when no br translation is available008:39, 28 December 2016
rails-i18n001:51, 27 February 2015
Thank you from Blockly!000:35, 23 October 2013
Goulenn 2007:17, 27 January 2010
Ur goulenn treiñ215:41, 20 January 2010

Use French when no br translation is available

Nemo (talk)08:39, 28 December 2016


hi fohanno,

i’m one of the developers on the europeana 1914-1918 project.

firstly, thanks for your help on that project; we definitely appreciate it! secondly, something has come up that i’m wondering if you might be able to help us out with. we recently pulled several translations out of the project because they were duplicating translations in this project. i created a github repo that contains the pulled translations you made, however, there are a few issues. i’d like to correct those issues and then create a pull request against the original i18n repo in order to add br to it.

would you be able to help out with these issues?

  • there are some “new” english verses in the errors:messages:restrict_dependent_destroy section.
  • the number separator says . in one case and , in the other, which one is correct?

     present: must be blank
     confirmation: ! "doesn't match %{attribute}"
       one: "Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists"
       many: "Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist"
     other_than: "must be other than %{count}"

       separator: .
     separator: ! ','
Dan-nl (talk)01:51, 27 February 2015

Thank you from Blockly!

Thierry, THANK YOU for your work translating Blockly into Breton. The translated puzzle and maze have been up for a long time (I'm way overdue in thanking you), and we hope to have all of Blockly available in Breton someday.

We've added you to our list of contributors. Please let us know if you prefer to be credited in a different way.

Espertus (talk)00:35, 23 October 2013

Savet 'm eus un nebeut goulennoù ouzh Fulup, met ne respont ket. Setu ec'h adsavan anezho ouzhit.

  • N'ouzon ket re penaos treiñ an traoù evel "Attribution 2.0 Generic" pe "Attribution 2.0 Chile"... hag a gaver er frazenn "This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license."

Me 'm eus graet gant "Ar restr-mañ a zo dindan an aotre-implijout Creative Commons Tadelezh 2.0 Aostria".
Kinniget en doa Fulup din "Emañ ar restr-mañ dindan un aotre-implijout Creative Commons Beli 2.0 hollek". Goude-se em eus kavet e oa bet graet gant "Deroadenn" evit "Attribution" evit poent. Petra ober d'as soñj ?

  • Ur stumm frazennoù all damheñvel am eus kavet "Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States", ha neuze penaos treiñ anezho ?
  • Goulennoùigoù all : Penaos e trofes "post"/"posts" e brezhoneg ? "Badge" ? Ha "tip(s)" ?

A galon

Y-M D07:17, 27 January 2010

Ur goulenn treiñ

Fulup en deus lavaret din e labouroc'h un tamm evit treiñ kemenadennoù. Labourat a ran me ivez evit treiñ an traoù. Moarvat ez oc'h barrekoc'h ha me war an treiñ. Emaon o klask treiñ kemenadennoù e lec'h ma vez kaoz eus "report" ("rapport" e galleg). Penaos e trofec'h-se e brezhoneg ? Kavet 'm eus "danevell", met kavout a ran iskis evit an urzhiataerezh. Hag un diskoulm all a vefe ? Non ket direbech war ar yezh kenebeut, neuze ma weloc'h fazioù e c'helloc'h displegañ din ar stumm reizh. Trugarez bras, A galon

Y-M D14:27, 19 January 2010

Me 'soñj din e rafen gant "danevell". A galon, Thierry

Fohanno12:45, 20 January 2010

Mat eo neuze, ober a rin gant ar ger-se. Trugarez bras.

Y-M D15:41, 20 January 2010