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User talk:Ezagren

From translatewiki.net
Latest comment: 6 months ago by Ezagren in topic Translating unnecessary messages
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Translating unnecessary messages


Thank you for your continued commitment to translating MediaWiki into Banjar!

I have noticed that you are committing translations to some messages that don't actually need translation. Some of them are no longer used at all, such as MediaWiki:Mw-core-1.18-logouttext/bjn. And some others are used, but they don't have to be translated because they are always identical to English, such as MediaWiki:Feed-rss/bjn.

Are you translating using the offline tools? If you do, then you should probably download a new version of the export for offline translation.

If you are not using the offline tools, then I suggest the following:

  • Don't enable the showing of optional messages in the translation interface.
  • If you are editing the old messages to fix language mistakes, it's OK to do, but I recommend completing the translation of current messages first. It's more important.

Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 01:50, 26 August 2024 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take it as a guideline for better translation in the future. Regards, Ezagren Talk/Pandir/Bicara 08:54, 26 August 2024 (UTC)Reply